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what.......... a gal
people who make junko-to-mukuro plot twists get all my respect and i would die for them at any given opportunity
hdnshdjs sleeb
i already took my meds idk why im starting a spam they make me hella drowsy
mukuro appreciation day may be over soon but mukuro appreciation millenium? still going strong
i want to kick my dad im sick of it
ramble @ me
theres this slowed down version of sleepy that makes me calmed and slowed and sleeb Immediately and i wanna listen to it but based on how tired i am ill just zonk out
rec me music
how do u perceive me. what am i like what do i like what am i
hsndh sleeb
i kin byakuya togami because t/ko makes him uncomfortable, he's low empathy, and hes gay
tell me a story. what happened this week whats going on
m so tired im too exhausted to be sad which is a nice freling ig but t also means im too tired to do anything that makes me happy
uhhhhhhh. sleeb
i wanttttttt girlfriend. girlfriend
mmmmmm tired so
- ramble @ me
- spam
- talk 2 me ab kevin db
- ab mukuro ikusaba
- ab kiyotaka ishimaru
- ab scorpia
- controversial opoinions
- tell my dad he sucks
- adhd hcs
- autistic hcs
- something ab me
- nice things
gn, not gonna sleep yet but im too sleeb to spam so. yeh