i wanna kick something
i Hate being hot sad its annoying it makes me angrier which makes me more hot sad which isnt, yknow, helpful
anyway, gonna write some ikuzono and see if that relaxes me a bit, then go right to sleep. ill pick this up in the morning when i have way too much fucking shit to do.
good morning- well afternoon, its almost one and i forgot to spam- went to a thing
tell me stuff!!
i cant stop rocking back and forth angrily ive shifted from being fristrated about the thing i was frustrated about today to being frustrated about the thing i was frustrated about last night so rhats jo fun
gonna pace about until my stepdad tells me to stop so i can get my stupid fucking frustration over things i cant fix out, bye-bye!!
update, listening to peppy music and cheering up a bit!
my dog says hello
y'all know im feeling insecure and lonely and hot sad when its michelle nguyen kinnie hours lmao
rec me sunshiney music!! im listenig to a sunshiney and peppy and warm song rn but once i get sick of it ill need smth else
kevin db is neurodivergent because several of his symptoms that could either be neurodivergence or something caused by strexcorp are demonstrated in pre-strex kevin's behavior as well, just in a different way
thojght i saw a dana/cecil fic and almost had a heart attack before i realized it was platonic
oh im talking about wtnv too much hang on
comfort content!! so my hyperfixation is redirected
TRIPTYCH. ( spam )
Losowemukuro ikusaba lesbian. this is unrelated to the title but important