Chapter 15

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Xiao Zhan gave an awkward cough as he rubs his neck bashfully. "Aiya, it's getting late," he started as he gave a side glance at the CEO beside him. To the the florist's surprise, Wang Yibo was already looking at him. "I'll take you back home," he said.

"No need, I can just grab a taxi and-" before he could finish his sentence, Wang Yibo takes him by the hand and leads him to the parking place. "Yibo, you really don't have to!"

"I insist."


"I don't want my fiancè to be in danger," Yibo stopped and looks directly at the florist's eyes. Xiao Zhan felt his eyes getting warm all of the sudden. "Ahaha, is that so," he replied in a low voice as he averts his gaze embarrassingly from the CEO.

Wang Yibo didn't say anything anymore as he continued on his way as he holds Xiao Zhan's hand. The florist was getting more embarrassed as he looks at their connected hands, the CEO's hand were quite cold but he somehow felt comforted. But Xiao Zhan was anxious and felt worried since his hand will probably start sweating.

They stopped in front of a fancy black motorbike. "Sorry, I didn't bring my car today," Yibo lets go of his hand and faced the florist,"I never thought I'd give someone a ride since I was planning on leaving the party early."

"It's alright! See? I'm troubling you, I think it's not a good idea to do this," Xiao Zhan quickly said. "But since it's you who showed up, I've very glad to give you a ride."

The florist's face that just cooled down a couple of seconds ago, was heating up once more and God- he felt like you could fry an egg on how hot and steamy his face was! He doesn't know what to actually say but Yibo didn't wait for him to reply as he rides the motorbike and hands the florist his helmet.

Xiao Zhan accepts it and as he wears it, he could smell the cool and minty scent on Wang Yibo's perfume that was very pleasant to the nose. Yibo assisted him as he rides behind and grabbed both of the florist's hands. He puts them not on his waist but at his stomach.

Xiao Zhan's mind was blaring with sirens as he his chest was completely leaning on Yibo's back and he had to rest his chin at one of Yibo's broad shoulders. Isn't this position too intimate!?

"Please hold on tight, I kinda drive fast," Yibo said monotonously as he started the engine and yanks the stand upward. Xiao Zhan didn't get to say anything since the next second, Yibo drove their way out the extravagant venue.

The florist's heart was actually beating so fast that he actually felt worried if Wang Yibo can feel his heart racing. It was pounding inside his chest and tried to calm it down.

He coughs a bit and told Yibo his address, after a short reply from the other, silence filled them once more and Xiao Zhan felt awkward once more.

"I can tell you really love to ride your motorbike," he said. Xiao Zhan couldn't see the handsome smile that was forming on the CEO's lips since he hand his back turned at him. "I do," he replied softly, "But there's someone I love more."

Xiao Zhan heard it very loud and clear despite the strong wind that was blowing. His heart thumps at Yibo's words and couldn't help but think, could it be?

The florist immediately shakes off those thoughts, "Ah? Your girlfriend?"

Wang Yibo almost stopped to pull his breaks but he didn't. "Girlfriend?" He asked.

"Yeah? Now that I remembered it, weren't you buying my boquet for her?" Wang Yibo sighed but it wasn't obvious because of the wind. "Ayia, there's the house. You can drop me off here," Xiao Zhan said as he losen his grip at Yibo and points the mansion 30 meters away.

Wang Yibo stops his motorbike and parks at the side. The florist slowly got off as he removed the helmet and shakes off his head. His hair was like a bird's nest, sticking out in any direction but he looked extremely adorable.

"Thank you so much for the ride, Yibo. I'll treat you to a meal next time," he said as he tried fixing his hair but ended up making it worse.

Wang Yibo obviously can't decline that offer since he can spend some time with the florist. Xiao Zhan said good night and was about to leave when there was a familiar cold hand grabs his. "Yibo?" He asked camly in confusion but deep inside, his heart was banging.

"There's no girlfriend," Yibo said as he grips the florist's hand not too tightly and not too loose. Xiao Zhan's calm façade was immediately broken and for the millionth time that night, his face went hot again.

"A-Ah, I see," he stuttered as he looks at his feet. "I only have a fiancè that I lo-"

"Oi! A-Lu and mom already got home, how come you're late!" A familiar voice shouted not too far from them. Wang Yibo immediately frowned but it quickly disappeared as his face became impassive.

"Oh, Zhuocheng. I was busy..." The florist trailed off bashfully as he rubs his nape as he stole a glance at Yibo's hand that was holding his. "Well, you-!"

Zhuocheng cut himself off as he saw Wang Yibo. He got closer and his eyes were surely not playing tricks on him. It was indeed the CEO of the other Wang company.  Why is Xiao Zhan hanging out with this guy again?

"I didn't expect to see you here, Mr. Wang," he said as he crossed his arms. Xiao Zhan already pulled his hand away when his step-brother was moving closer to their place.

"Good evening, Mr. Wang," Yibo greeted as gave a short bow. "Well, thank you for bring my brother back. It's indeed getting late and my brother needs some rest," Zhuocheng said and grabs Xiao Zhan's hand as he pulls him away from Yibo. "Ay- Good night, Yibo! Thanks for the ride!" He called out and Yibo also just replied with a short bow.

Wang Yibo wore his helmet and the strawberry vanilla of the florist whiffed his nose and couldn't help feeling embarrassed. So he removes it and drove off without wearing a helmet.

Sorry for the typos and late update. Please do point out my mistakes and Merry Christmas!♡

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