Chapter 18

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He stood there looking at me with a frown on his face. I pushed past him suddenly feeling a wave of fatigue wash over me. I needed rest but I knew I wasn't going to get it. I felt Colby grab my shoulder to get my attention and I pulled back.

"Don't touch me!"

"What's wrong?" I could tell that he was trying to keep calm.

"I'm leaving tomorrow." I walked away after I said that.

"Not that you care, you don't talk to me anyway." I heard him sigh.

"Aiden, I've been busy otherwise I would be here and I would talk to you." I laughed.

"I message you and you leave me on read, can you explain that you arrogant asshole?" He looked pissed.

"I'm sorry that I didn't respond to you okay I just..."

"You just what, Colby?" He didn't say anything he just stared at the floor. I knew it, he hated me.

"That's what I thought." I began to walk to my room but I felt a hand grab mine.

Colby spun me around to face him and I could feel his lips press to mine. It took me a moment to respond but eventually, I kissed him back. I couldn't believe it, I had so many thoughts running through my mind and I didn't know what to do.

Colby pulled away and rested his forehead on mine. I grinned at him, "What was that for?" He shook his head.

"I like you, Aiden. A lot." I giggled.

"I liked you too, Colby. I have for a while actually but I didn't think that you liked me." It was his turn to shake his head.

"I've liked you since the day I saw you in the forest."

I pressed my lips to his once more before pulling away and hugging him tightly. I hoped he wouldn't leave me like the others did.

"Colby?" He hummed.

"Can you help me find somewhere to live? My friends moved me out of my apartment and are moving back to Kansas." Colby pulled away from me slightly.

"Did they tell you that they were moving back?" I shook my head.

"They caught my stalker today so I went over there and saw that they had everything packed up and they told me that they were leaving tomorrow. We got into a fight and Ashley said that she hates me for being the reason for Jay's death and Lucas still loves me as a friend..."

"Colby everyone is leaving me.. Lucas said that he would try to talk to me but I know that Ashley won't let him. I have everything packed in my car... MY CAR!! I left my car at the bar because I was drunk."

I felt Colby hug me again and tell me that everything was going to be okay. I could feel the tears that I had been holding in finally fall down my face. I hated crying but I needed to. Colby kissed the top of my head and I grinned. I loved this man so much. I wasn't going to tell him that though.

Colby and I pulled away from our hug and he grabbed his phone and called an uber. Once the uber was here he told them to go to the bar nearby. I realized now what we were doing. We were getting my car. I grinned at Colby as he took my keys and started my car. I was still drunk so I knew that he should drive it.

We drove through the city of LA and looked at all of the lights that were shining through the sky. I stuck my head out of the window and looked around as Colby laughed at my silliness. I sat back down in my seat as we made it to a familiar location. I looked up to see it was Taco Bell.

I grinned and got out of the car with Colby and we made our way inside. I haven't had Taco Bell in a while and I was excited to get the food. We grabbed our food and made our way back to Colby's apartment.

When we got there, we sat in the living room eating the food as Colby put on the show Outlander. I giggled and snuggled into the couch as Colby sat down next to me and ate his food. I love the show Outlander so much and Colby knew I did too.

"Since they caught your stalker, it means you're moving back out right?" I nodded.

"I don't want you to leave..." I laughed.

"I know but you'll be welcome over at my new apartment anytime you want." He grinned.

"Good because now that I know that you like me and I like you, I'm not giving you up so easy." 

I laughed and snuggled down into Colby's chest. He wrapped his arms around me and I could hear his heartbeat as I laid my head on his chest. I haven't felt this close to someone in a long time and I was happy that I could do it with someone that cared about me as well.

I was falling asleep but I didn't care. I could stay here with Colby forever and still be happy. I felt Colby brush hair out of my face and kiss my lips thinking that I was asleep. He picked me up slowly and I thought that he was going to bring me into my room but instead I was in his.

I could tell that I was in his by the smell of his cologne filling my nose as he laid me down on his bed. I could hear shuffling and assumed that he was getting ready for bed. The bed dipped down and after a little more shuffling I felt Colby put his arms around me.

I turned over and opened my eyes to see him staring back at me. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his in a short kiss before snuggling into him and falling asleep. I was content. I had finally told the guy that I loved that I liked him and I could see us going in a good direction.

I felt my body relax and myself finally drift off to sleep. 


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