Chapter 36

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"Lucas is everything okay?"

I heard him sniffle over the phone and a sob echoed over the line.

"Lucas, what's wrong?"

"I'm so sorry that she did this to you."

I sighed, he found out about Ashley. Jay must've told him.

"Lucas it's fine, I'm fine I promise."

"How could I not see how horrible she is?"

"Honey you were in love with her and we've known her forever. I'm sorry that all of this is happening to you right now."

"The baby isn't even mine. I don't know what to do. I lost my job and I left Ashley because I couldn't be with her. I..I need help Aid."

I could hear him crying and I ran to my laptop on the side of the room. I opened it and went to the LAX website before buying him tickets to move out here.

"Lucas I need you to pack all of your stuff because you're moving out here with Jay and I. You need to get away from Kansas and come back to be with us. You can work for me or something. I have missed having you around and I am sending you your information for your flights."


"Love you too loser. I got to go though so bye best friend."

"Bye best friend!"

I hung up and laid on the floor again. After all this time he finally knew the truth. I hated that he had to find out this way, but I was happy that he knew what was going on in my life now and what made me push him away.

"Aid, are you okay?" I looked at Luke and smiled.

I flipped up off of the ground and nodded, "Yeah my friend is just going through a hard time so he's going to come live with me and Jay again."

They all nodded and my phone buzzed again but this time it was a text from Colby. What did he want? He was the one that moved on so fast and according to Sam he hasn't been acting the same. 

I opened the text to see that it said 'can we talk.'

I sighed and left him on read. I know that I broke up with him but I didn't want to hurt him again. Besides he hurt me because he broke a promise, a promise to wait for me. I wasn't going to be the one that got hurt. I've had too much heartbreak in my life to have it happen again.

I was torn from my thoughts when Michael waved his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry I was thinking about stuff, I have a photo shoot to go to and then I have soccer practice so I unfortunately have to cut this short. It was fun hanging out with you guys and I hope to do it again soon."

We said our goodbyes and I grabbed my duffel bag that had my soccer stuff in it before walking to the door. As I was opening the door, I saw someone standing behind it and I got scared for a moment. I reached into my bag and grabbed my pocket knife before opening the door all the way.

"Colby? What're you doing here?"

He lifted his head up and it was then that I knew he had been drinking. Sighing I closed my front door and stepped out onto the porch. 

"I miss you Aiden and I needed to see you before you officially leave me forever."

"Colby I don't have time to deal with this okay, you're the one that broke your promise."

He looked around before responding, "I know and I'm sorry that that happened. I didn't know what you were going through and now that I do I just wanna make things right."

I shook my head, Jay told him what happened. "Colby that doesn't mean anything okay? Now I have to go so please go home."

He grabbed my arms and stopped me from walking to my car, "Please don't go I need you right now."

Sighing I grabbed his hands and guided him to my car before placing him inside. I ran to the other side and climbed in before starting my car. I pulled out of my driveway and made my way to Colby's apartment complex.

Colby had fallen asleep as soon as I started the car, so I decided to call Sam.

The phone rang for a moment before he picked up, "Hello?"

"Hey Sam, I have a drunk Colby and he fell asleep in my car so I'm bringing him to you and was wondering if you could meet me out front to help bring him in?"

"God dangit, yeah I'll be down there. Sorry about him, I didn't know he left his apartment."

I sighed, "Sam you're fine really. I just have places I need to be right now, but I didn't want to leave him alone."

"Thank you for that, Aid. I'll see you when you get here."

We said our goodbyes and I hung up before pressing my foot on the gas pedal. This boy was going to make me late and I hated being late to anything. I wonder what got into him to make him do this.

I arrived at the complex to see Sam standing outside waiting for me and I smiled. I missed my friend group at times but it made it weird now that I wasn't with Colby anymore. I climbed out of my car and walked toward Sam.

I pulled him into a hug and sighed, "I missed you Sammy."

"Ugh please don't call me that, I missed you too though."

I laughed and pulled away from the hug before walking to Colby's side of the car. I opened the door and grabbed his body before slinging it over my shoulder and standing up. I followed Sam to the door and we began walking up the stairs to their floor.

Once we had gotten to the floor, I made Sam reach into Colby's pocket to get his keys and open his door. Once we were inside, we saw a lot of broken glass and things that could hurt Colby so we locked his door and put him in Sam's apartment.

"Alright well now that he's safe and well, I need to get going. Thank you Sam for doing this and please take care of him."

"You miss him don't you?" I nodded.

"Yeah I do. It hurts to see him after so long and I got to be honest I was not expecting him to show up like that."

"He's having a rough time now that you're out and about being single with other guys."

I chuckled, "Well he should have thought of that before he broke our promise."

"He did keep his promise, Aid."

"What do you mean?"

"He kept his promise. He was at a party one night with Brennen and somebody took a picture out of context and then things went out of hand. He was completely sober and he called me freaking out about how you would never forgive him."

I frowned, "Why didn't he just tell me that then instead of making me believe that it was true. I didn't have access to my phone or anything like that in the safe house so I had no way of contacting him to see if it was true."

"That's what Jay said when he talked to all of us. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that and I'm happy that you're safe now."

"You and me both. Is it okay if I stay?"

"Nope go ahead, Kat will be here soon and I know that she would love to see you."

I texted my manager and my coach asking them if I could miss both of my events and after some convincing I was given the okay. I smiled and sat on Sam's couch with Colby's head in my lap. I played with his hair and waited for Kat to get here.

Today was a crazy day....

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