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My name is Sebastion. And my life was always pretty great. Nothing weird ever happened, and nothing bad or shocking ever happened to me. A lot of people tell me that it's just luck- and okay, it is. But it also helps to have an amazing family who would do anything and having a great group of friends also helps.

You might be wondering what this story is all about, and why I decided to write about my oh-so-perfect life with perfect people and a nice house, and enough money, being good at school and good at basketball. Well, you might have noticed if you had a good eye.

I didn't say that I do have a good life. I said that my life was pretty normal. Was as in past tense. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. You probably figured that out unless you're an absolute dingus.

I was always told that the black handprint right below my shoulder was where my soulmate would first touch me. When I found out, I didn't think very much of it. I was like, cool cool. Got a soulmate at least. Now I just have to wait for her to touch me.

And once that black mark turns colorful, that means that they touched you. Some people don't even realize that it happened until after it was over. Then they freak out and try to figure out who they were with, and who touched them.

And that's pretty much what happened to me. I didn't know, and then I freaked out and tried to figure it out.

You can't just ask people either. And that makes things a little harder. Because you are the only one who can see your mark. It's probably a good thing when you think about it because then people would want to fuck with you by touching the spot, getting you all excited, and then watching as you realized that it wasn't really your soulmate that touched you.

And some people aren't very lucky and they don't even have a mark. I feel really bad for those people because they have to spend their whole lives thinking that they will never have someone that is their person. I've only met a few of them, but it's still always just as sad when I meet a new one.

I got really off-track there, sorry about that. I kind of suck at remembering what I'm talking about that. Prepare for that to happen a lot. Especially when I'm talking about Parker's eyes, or his- see, it happened again.

Well, I'll stop talking now. I bet you're ready for me to just get on with the story already, so get ready buckaroos, for one hell of a story.


So it took me a while to try and figure out where I should start this story. I could start it right when he touched my arm- or I could start it right when I walked into the party that I didn't know would change my life.

I decided to start it right as I walked into that party. I was so glad to finally be able to go because my mom never let me go to these types of things. She always thought that I was going to do drugs, or that I was going to drive drunk and get hit by a car, and boom- dead.

Yeah, I'm grateful and all, but it really made a good chunk of my high school experience not as great as it could've been.

Anyway, I walked in with my best friend in the world, Samantha. And before you say anything, don't start shipping us. I know how it works. You see two names from the opposite gender and your brain lights up. I see you.

Besides, I told you that my soulmate was a guy anyway. Meaning, it's not Samantha. Mini-rant over. Back to the story.

I walked in and Samantha took me to the kitchen to get some drinks. Me, getting soda of course. Because I was the designated driver. And my mom would murder me if I drank even the tiniest drop of alcohol.

People were all around me, as you would expect at a high school party. And even though it was only like, nine-thirty, there were some people that were drunk shitless already. Yeah, it was rough.

I sorta hated being there even though I wanted to go and I should've just expected it to look exactly like the scene that I walked into.

So I walked around for a little bit after Samantha left to go and hang out with her boyfriend. I was sure of one thing, and that was that I would not end up third-wheeling that night. I've done it a lot, and it sucks. Especially because Sam and her boyfriend, Oliver, are very... affectionate. They take PDA to the next level.

So I left. After wandering around for a while all on my own, I stopped by a group of guys that looked like they might be cool, and I went over to them. They were playing beer pong, and they said it was cool if I played even if I couldn't drink anything.

Take that stupid school counselors with you "you will be peer pressured".

I didn't know them very well, and I was pretty sure that they didn't go to my school. Which meant they went to West Green.

There were only two schools in Greenlake, West Green and North Green. I went to North Green, and the two schools are about as big of rivals that two schools that you could find.

"And, it's your turn newbie." A guy with dark hair said, handing me the ping pong ball. And it was slippery. Oh, joy.

I stood at the end of the table, carefully lining it up and trying to aim the best that I knew how. If I was being honest, I had never played beer pong before that night. I've played it loads of times now, but current Sebastion is way different than past Sebastion.

I bounced the ball, and I felt really bad when I didn't make it. I was close, but still hadn't quite gotten there. The guy that had handed me the ping pong ball had to take a drink.

"Sorry," I remember saying, very well because it took a lot to remember the exact thing that happened right after I said that.

"Don't worry about it, you're good," He said, reaching out and it seemed like he meant to grab my shoulder and squeeze it gently, kind of like my dad used to do, but he was a little low.

I didn't notice at the time, because I was wearing long sleeves, but my soulmate mark was glowing like crazy.

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