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"You're comfy," I said. I was laying his head on Parker's chest while Parker had an arm over me as we watched some random show. Neither of us were paying much attention.

"Good to know?" Parker asked.

I looked at the TV to see what was going on. Yeah, had no clue. Some sort of club where they sang and danced? Parker picked it. "I love you," I said.

"I love you even more," He replied right away.

"Yeah, we are not having this argument again," I said. "Last time it ended in you eating the last of my cupcake. Which I still haven't forgiven you for, by the way,"

It was a chocolate cupcake too. He was lucky he was my soulmate, or he might've been in a grave.

"It was a really good cupcake. You couldn't just go and keep it all to yourself," Parker said.

"Um, yes I could. And I was totally planning on it too. Just you had to go and steal the one good thing in my life,"

"So I'm not a good thing?" He asked. When I looked over at him, his eyebrows were raised. God-why was he so adorable? "I'm offended, Sebby,"

"Never call me that again. Please. A horrible nickname," I said. Yet, it was one that a ton of people used on me. Didn't mean that it drove me any less insane.

"Sebby, Sebby, Sebby," Parker teased with a grin, leaning down and kissing me on the forehead. "You're adorable when you get irritated, did you know that?"

"Really? Adorable?" I asked him.

"Yes. Adorable. Because that's what you are. And I'm not going to lie right to your face and say that you're not. I don't even think that I would be able to lie to you,"

"Sometimes you're one of the cheesiest people that I've ever met," I said. He always said the cheesiest things. I still loved them though.

"One of my amazing personality traits," He said.

"You sure that you have very many of those?" I teased.

"I am a delightful person," Parker said. "You can't even tell me I'm not. Someone like you would only have an amazing soulmate. Aka, me,"

"Darn. I have to agree there, don't I?" I said. "And even if you weren't my soulmate, I love you, you love me. You're stuck with me. Because I'm never saying goodbye to you,"

"Good. I don't think I could bear to be apart from my lovely Sebby Boy," Parker said.

I had given up trying to convince him to not use the nicknames at that point. It never worked. "Fine then. Parkie,"

"Is this how you feel whenever I use one of my genius nicknames with you?" Parker asked.

I laughed. "Yes. Yes, it is,"

"Still gonna use them. Nothing's going to stop me from that. When you die and I have to plan your funeral, I'll make sure they engrave Sebby Boy on the gravestone,"

"Who said that I'm dying first?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. "That doesn't sound very fun," I moved so I could see him better. I was laying on my side, propping my head up with my hand.

"I said if. You going a little deaf there?" He asked me.

I stuck my tongue out at him, and then he leaned down and kissed me.

Sometimes it felt so unreal that I was actually dating him. If you would've asked me a year ago where I thought my life would be now, I would've said something totally different from what actually happened.

I pulled away from the kiss but still stayed close to him. "I love you so much. You know that, right?"

"Of course I do. And I love you too,"

Past me would've said that I would be still living at home, hopefully having found my soulmate, a pretty and nice girl who my parents would've loved and had over for dinner every now and then. I would've hung out with my brother and teased him about girls.

How off all of that was.

I lived with my dad. My mom still back at the old house all on her own. While I found my soulmate, Parker definitely wasn't a girl. My mom kicked me out after she caught us kissing. I almost died. My brother did die.

I'm not going to say that if I saw everything coming, I would do it all over again just to be with Parker in the end. Because I wouldn't. I would stay away from my soulmate to keep my brother around. So my mom would still love me like she used to. And that may sound selfish, and I'm sorry if it does, but it's only the truth. I'm not just going to lie.

But that wasn't a thing that you could just do. Sammy was dead, and my mom didn't even think of me as her son anymore. But I had my dad still, and I had Parker, who was always there for a shoulder to cry on, or to tell me that everything would be okay. Gosh, I loved him so much. I wouldn't have been able to make it through the shit I had gone through without him.

I didn't know what the future held for us. But I did know what right now was. And that was us sitting there and loving each other while we tried to make it through this mess called life.

"You know..." I said, trailing my fingers over his arm. He had such nice arms. "I like our story. A lot. And even though it's been a rollercoaster... I love you. So fucking much. And you have no idea how glad I am that we got marked," 

The end.

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