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"You have spent the last two weeks over with Seb every Friday night. Just stay home tonight," Parker's mom said from the kitchen where she was making dinner.

"But I love being with him," Parker said, sliding into one of the stools at the island. "And Ellie and Allie are really annoying,"

His mom gave him a look over her shoulder. "Sebastion is lovely. We just miss seeing you around the house,"

He hadn't been home that often. He spent a lot of his time with Seb, whether it was at his place or somewhere else. He just loved hanging out with him so much. They could just be laying around not saying anything and he could be perfectly content.

"I'll try to be at home more," Parker replied. He was planning on actually going through with his promise too. While his sisters did drive him insane, he also couldn't help but miss crushing them at video games.

"You do seem happier, though," His mom added with a small smile in his direction.

"I am," Parker said. "I really love him, Mom." He smiled to himself, just thinking about Seb could bring a smile to his face.

"Young love is something else," His mom said. "I remember my first boyfriend... seems like it was just yesterday. The day that he dumped me was the day I thought my life was over. I was a little dramatic,"

Parker laughed. "I don't see Seb and I breaking up any time in the near future," He didn't quite know what he saw for the two of them in the future, but he did know that he didn't see them just breaking up.

"I want to tell you that you won't, but I don't want to give you hope for something that might not turn out how you want it to,"

"Are you really going to give me the lecture about how high school relationships never last past college?"

"No. Relationships are hard to maintain... but you two have been through a lot already. If you guys really want to do it, I believe that you can,"

Parker nodded. "You met Dad after college, right?" He was one to not really listen when his parents were talking about themselves before they were married. He was fine knowing as little details as possible.

"Yeah. He sent me a drink at a bar one night. I thought it was a little creepy at first, but look where we are now,"

"Huh," Parker said. "I think that I'm gonna head up to my room,"

After a nod from his mom, Parker got up and went up to his room, shutting the door behind him. He could hear his sisters yelling at each other from the room next door. He was used to it. They never seemed to stop fighting. Ever.

He didn't have very many pictures in his room, but he had a few above his desk. His gaze paused on one of the ones of him and Seb. It was actually from the night when they had first met at that party. He couldn't believe that he had almost not even gone. How different things would be if he didn't.

They hadn't known each other for very long, but Parker couldn't imagine living a life that Seb wasn't in.

"Parker!" His mom called from downstairs. "Tobias is here!"

Parker frowned. He didn't remember making any plans with Tobias. Had he really forgotten? He usually didn't.

"Hey bro," Tobias said, opening his door. "I know we didn't talk about me coming over, but I'm here to bless you with my presence,"

Parker rolled his eyes. "Isn't that presence annoying? I wouldn't exactly consider that a blessing,"

"You know you love me. Maybe not as much as Sea Bass, but clearly a lot. Or you wouldn't put up with me," Tobias said, making himself at home as he sat in Parker's desk chair.

"What kind of nickname is Sea Bass?" Parker asked, shutting the door again.

"A genius one. Clearly, I'm the smartest one in here. And the one with the best sense of humor. Parkie, you're just a little lame,"

"Which one of us is in theater again?" Parker asked with raised eyebrows.

"You're in swimming. You walk around pretty much naked and then do a few laps as fast as you can. Borinnngg,"

"As if dancing around and singing in the roles of fictional characters is any cooler,"

"Takes more talent," Tobias scoffed.

Parker shook his head. One of their never-ending arguments, if swimming or theater was cooler. "Whatever you say, Elsa,"

Tobias glared at him. "One time. One time!"

"Dude. You were singing Let It Go like it was the last thing you would ever do. And you were way too excited about Frozen Two,"

"And you enjoyed it too. Say what you want, but I know the real you," Tobias stuck his tongue out at Parker. "And I was practicing a different type of song than what I'm used to,"

"Suuuure," Parker said. "You can't just hide forever,"

"Do I need to remind you that you hid for about seventeen years?"

"Being gay and liking Frozen are two very different things," Parker reminded him.

"Fair," Tobias said. "But still, if you tell anyone, I'll throw you into a river,"

"You forgot I'm a swimmer, didn't you?" Parker asked with a grin.

Tobias threw a pencil at him. "Shut up," 

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