Bonus Chapter #1

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I looked in the mirror, nervously pulling my sleeves down. "What if I mess something up?" I asked, looking at the reflection of my brother behind me.

"Dude. You'll be fine. I promise. Don't freak out so much," Elliot said, walking up behind me and putting a hand on my shoulder.

I forced myself to take a deep breath, trying to calm the nerves that were rapidly growing.

"What if I trip and fall on my face?" I asked, thinking of all the scenarios that could happen. "Or what if he runs? God, what if I run?"

"Seb. Calm down," Elliot reassured me. "You guys have been together for seven years. I'm pretty sure you're both sure about getting married. You already act like a married couple anyway,"

It was my wedding day. And I couldn't be more nervous and excited at the same time.

Parker had been the one to propose about a year before. I hadn't been expecting it at all, but I had said yes as soon as the question left his lips. We had spent the last few months carefully planning every detail. Making sure everything was perfect.

And now it was finally here.

I had never been more sure of anything in my life. And Parker had told me that he wanted to marry me more than anything, but the voice in the back of my head kept trying to say that maybe he didn't.

"If my opinion helps," Samantha said from her chair in the corner. "He's in love with you, you're in love with him. Unless he's just lying to you or something,"

"Samantha!" Elliot hissed, turning back to glare at her.

Samantha had agreed to be my best man after I said she could say whatever she wanted in her speech. She just wasn't being very good at the whole making me feel better thing.

"Alright, little bro. It's almost time," Elliot said. "Me and Sammie gotta get out there. You sure you'll be okay?"

I nodded quickly and felt my heart speed up. It had come so soon.

They both smiled at me before going out to their spots, and I went to my door to wait for my cue.

Parker was going to walk down the aisle right before me. That had not been the easiest thing to figure out. But we got there in the end, and I just hoped that it would work out okay.

Before I knew it, it was my cue. My time to walk down the aisle. I didn't know what to do with my hands. Did I just leave them at my sides? Fold them in front of me? Behind me?

I decided on leaving them by my side. And then I started walking.

Parker was at the altar, and he smiled when he saw me. I smiled too, but I probably looked like a total idiot. 

He looked... perfect. Not that he looked bad any other time, but damn. He could clean up good. His suit was simple. White with a black undershirt. Just like mine. But the way that it was so fitted and how his tie was perfectly tied. His hair looked styled to perfection. 

Then I was up in front of him. He took my hands into his gently. "You look amazing," Parker whispered.

"You're one to talk," I quietly said back. 

The officiator started to talk while we just held eye contact. I think that it was hard for both of us to believe, and if him calling me on the way said anything he was freaking out just as much as I was. It was a huge step. But we were taking it together. 

We had asked him to not go through the boring speech that everyone had to sit through at every wedding. It was boring. And we weren't boring people. 

"And now, we'll let you guys say your vows," 

Parker was first. "Sebastion..." He never used my real name. It was always Seb. Or Sebby. Never Sebastion. "I met you on a random night at a party. I asked you to play beer pong, and even though you had never played, you said yes. I thought you were cute from the second I saw you, but then my mark went off. We were a wreck at first. We know that better than everyone. But every day spent with you has been amazing. All the tiny moments, watching TV before bed. Going to get coffee, watching sports even though we root for different teams. For every argument we've ever had, there's been a million different good things to make up for it. And I love you more than I ever thought possible. Before I met you, I didn't get the big deal about love. Then I did meet you. And I understand it now. I would be willing to do anything for you, as long as I could see that adorable smile on your face that I'm looking at right now. Anything if it means that you're back in my arms by the end of the day," 

I was pretty close to tears at that point, and I was for sure going to make a fool of myself as I said my vows, but I took a short breath and looked right at him.

"When I met you, I thought that my life was over. I was sure that you were going to be the one thing that would ruin my life. But really... you were the one that saved me. You have been there for me through every single thing that this messed up world has thrown my way, even when it felt like I was the last kid in playing dodgeball and the other team was all throwing balls at me on three. You were there for a shoulder to cry on. To be my person. I knew being with you would mess up so many other things. But I didn't care. Because when I'm with you, I feel like everything is okay. Like nothing can hurt us and nobody can touch what we have. And I want nothing more than to spend every day of my life with you. I want it all, the house. The dog. The kids running around while one of us makes dinner and the other plays with those kids. I want to grow old with you. Marriage has so many things that we haven't gone through yet. It's going to be hard. But as long as you're there to hold my hand through it all, and I'll hold yours, I would run into the sun with you," I said. I was surprised I didn't start actually crying in the middle of it. 

I glanced to my side at the people in the seats. We had wanted a smaller wedding. There was only about 50 people there. I didn't let myself look at the seats in the front row that I knew would be empty. I wasn't going to let the best day of my life be ruined by people who weren't around or people that just didn't care enough to be there. 

"The rings?" The officiator asked. And rings were given to both of us. 

Parker put mine on first. Even though I had been wearing an engagement ring for months now, this one felt so different.

I slid his onto his finger and smiled up at him. 

"And with that... I pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss the groom," 

Parker wasted no time kissing me, and I heard the clapping from the people in the audience. I was so happy right then. Nothing would be able to bring me down from this high I was riding.


I held Parker's hand as we made our way through the guests. We were mostly just waiting for people to come up to us instead of going up to them. Because that was a lot to keep track of. 

Parker's mom was one of the first to come up to us. "Just so you know, his sisters totally helped him with the vows. There's no way he could've come up with something so beautiful on his own," She said.

I laughed. "Oh, I figured," I said. "Don't know if mine were any good, but at least I didn't start crying in the middle. Because I was pretty darn close," 

"That would've been funny," Parker said. 

"What a supportive husband you are," I said. Husband felt so weird to say like it was a bad word and I was a little kid about to get yelled at by a parent.

"Psh, you know I love you," He said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"I sure would hope so," I had forgotten that Parker's mom was standing right there, but I also really couldn't bring myself to care much. 

"I'm really happy for you guys," Parker's mom said, and she looked like she was about to leave. "I'll let you two lovebirds enjoy your wedding day," 

Parker pulled me closer to him. "You're stuck with me forever now," He grinned. 

"I wouldn't have it any other way," 

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