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It took Parker about thirty minutes before he was tapping on my window. I smiled a little bit when I saw him. I'm not going to lie, he looked terrified.

I went over to my window and opened it, holding out my hand to him so I could help him. Once he was in, I went and sat on my bed.

"We can't talk too loud. My mom would kill me. Multiple times," I said, forcing a small smile.

"Got it," Parker said, giving me a thumbs-up as he laid down next to where I was sitting on the bed.

And I didn't have a very big bed. (Still don't by the way. Kinda mad about it but whatever) He was really close to me, and it made me want to look away from him, and it made my local stomach butterflies decide to have some kind of party with a lot of moving.

"How's your mom?" Parker asked, rolling onto his side and propping his head up with his hand.

"Just great. She's still trying to get me to tell her, and she's acting like she's going to hate me until I actually tell her," I said with a sigh.

"Maybe it'll get better,"

He had to know that would probably never happen. He was probably just trying to make me feel better, which I really did appreciate. "Maybe," I said with a shrug.

I looked down at him and offered him a smile.

"How are you feeling?" Parker asked me.

"Like shit," I said, and we both laughed at that.

"Well..." Parker said. "I think that I might know a way to make you feel a little better..."

I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? What is it then?" I asked him.

He didn't say anything, and neither of us did for a second before he sat up, so he was just a few inches up from me. I noticed that our legs were touching as we were sitting.

He looked down at me, and we both made eye contact for what felt like a million years, and then he looked a little bit down, and I noticed that he was looking at my lips. Which made me turn so, so red.

Time seemed to slow down, and everything was in slow motion as he closed his eyes and started to lean in, and as I felt my heart beating so fast I was sure he could hear it, and I lost all control of my thoughts as my brain went crazy, trying to comprehend what was about to happen.

And then he kissed me.

And holy. Crap.

It was... amazing. How do you describe the best kiss in your life? What's the right word for that? I don't even know, and I still haven't figured it out exactly.

His lips were soft. And gosh him kissing me felt so good. And that's when I realized that I should probably kiss him back, so I did.

That's when I felt his hand move to the back of my neck, and when I moved my own to rest on his arm.

It felt like that missing piece of the puzzle was finally found. Or, one of them at least. Because I had kissed a ton of times before I met Parker, but none of them could even try to compare to how perfect this kiss felt.

A few moments passed, and then he pulled just slightly away. And he had this super adorable tiny blush on his face that made me just want to kiss him for the rest of my life. Because I would be perfectly fine with just kissing him until the day that I finally died.

The only word that I could figure out to say was simple. "Wow," I whispered.

Parker laughed a little bit. "Yeah, wow," He said with a smile on his face.

Have I mentioned how much I love his smile before? It's one of the best sights that you could ever see. Ever. Beats anything. Screw the northern lights and look at his smile.

I had just been kissed by Parker. He had kissed me. Yeah, yeah tell me how I shouldn't be surprised because we're soulmates and everything, but I was still so shocked. It was insane to even try to think about.

"Y'know... you're a pretty good kisser," Parker said, and he smirked at me.

"Well, I think that you're pretty good at it yourself," I said. And he really was, like how could someone be that good at kissing?

Neither of us said anything after that, and I found myself leaning on his shoulder. "I still feel a little like shit. A lot better though," I said after a while.

"Glad to know I could aid you in making you feel less shitty," Parker said, leaning his head on top of my own.

"Seb!" My mom yelled.

"Shit," I mumbled, jumping out. "You've got to go. She's gonna kill me," I said, pretty much running over to my window and opening it, gesturing for him to come over to where I was.

He was over there in only a few seconds, but before he managed to get out, he gave me a quick kiss, which made my face red. Again. He winked at me before hopping out, and I watched as he snuck around the corner.

I shut the window just as my mom walked in, and she furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at me.

"Why on earth is your face so red?" She asked me.

"No reason, just really hot in here. I was just gonna open the window," I said, and to prove my lie, I opened it again.

"I'm going out with your brother. I'm taking your keys, and all the house keys with me," She said. "You better not leave this room," With that, she turned around.

A few minutes later, I heard her close the door and pull out of the driveway.

I plopped backwards on my bed and looked at the ceiling, with the memory of the kisses still on my lips. 

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