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I hated that place. It was the worst, and they kept me for way longer than they were supposed to.

It was the worst place that I have ever been. They didn't treat me badly or anything, and the conditions weren't really bad, but it was just horrible.

I had to tell this person everything that was happening. With my mom, with Parker. I couldn't leave anything out. And I had to say how I felt about every single little thing.

There was nothing to do. I didn't even get a roommate, so there was nobody to even talk to except for the doctors that were always coming to talk to me. It sucked, and I was bored out of my mind every single minute that went by.

The only time I got to talk to people was when I was at group. One of the sessions- my first -really stood out to me, and I still know exactly what happened.

It was my second day there and I went in with barely any expectations at all. Because how was I supposed to know what was going to happen? I had never done anything like that before.

I didn't want to talk to anyone else. The only good thing was that it was separated by age group. I was glad I wasn't going to have to talk to any super old people, and I was glad I might be able to relate to them a little bit.

I still didn't want to talk to anyone though, so I sat in my chair, with my arms crossed over my chest, and listened to the rest of them talk.

"Hey. I'm Blaire, and I'm stuck here because I need therapy or something. I've been here a ton of times, it's pretty much become a home away from home. Anyway, I'm bullied a ton at school. Verbally and physically, and it sucks, and it makes me hate every little thing about my life, but there are some things that you just have to deal with. Wait that's the wrong thing to say. I have to deal with it. I hope that none of you guys ever do. But... they make fun of me for a lot of things. Like, my hair, or that I don't do well at school, or about my backpack, anything that they can think of. They look at me, and the first thing that they see is exactly what they say something about,"

I remember looking at her as she said it. I had no idea who she was, and I doubted that she even went to my school, but I wouldn't be surprised if she did. Shit like that happened at my school, and I knew that it did. There was just nothing that I could do about it though. I couldn't just stop every single one of the bullies that walked the halls of my school.

"Johnathan. I've been here for about a week. Obvious what happened to me," He said, gesturing to his arms, that both had white bandages on them. "My life is shit. Parents are drunks that don't care about me, was tired of it," He shrugged. "Mine isn't really that detailed or anything. Simple," It seemed like he was done talking.

Nobody else said anything either. They all seemed to be in the same boat as me. The adult that was in the room supervising us looked at me.

"Sebastion? How about you share? You are new," She said.

Fucking great. I couldn't just say no, could I?

"Um... Sebastion. This is like... my second day here," I was talking way slower than the rest of them and was only looking down at my lap while the rest of them had looked around at all of the people that were sitting in the circle. "My mom walked in on me kissing my boyfriend. We weren't dating then though," I was a wreck. "Well, she blew up. Kicked me out. I um... went to that lake nearby and climbed on that one really tall rock. I was thinking about jumping, but I actually fell when I went to turn around," I said.

It was embarrassing. What kind of idiot falls instead of just jumping? Or not doing anything at all? And the reasoning behind it was so pathetic compared to the others. They probably thought that I was overreacting or something, and I even felt like I was just a little bit. Blaire was bullied every day when she went to school, and Jonathan had two horrible parents that he had to deal with every day. My mom had just freaked out about who I was kissing. It wasn't a big deal at all compared to what the rest of them were going through.

"Your mom sounds like she sucks," Jonathan of all people said.

I shrugged. "She's usually great, I just freaked out about it," I said, feeling horrible that he thought that my mom of all people wasn't very good.

"Dude. She kicked you out. You can be mad about it," A girl who hadn't talked before said, her voice quiet.

I shrugged again. "It's whatever," I said. Maybe they could tell that I didn't really want to talk about it or something because they moved onto the next person, who I didn't really listen to, and felt a little bad about it, but I was distracted.


I finally was out of there two weeks after I had first gone there after they finally decided that I wasn't a danger to myself or to anyone else, and I had never been happier.

My dad picked me up, and I was so happy to see him again.

"Hey kiddo, how was it?" He asked me, taking my bag from me, and walking next to me towards the car. I was also so glad that I didn't have to be in the hospital anymore, not so thrilled about going back to school, but I would take school over that place any day.

I shrugged. "Okay. Boring," I said. We got to the car and I opened the door, getting into the passenger seat.

"Parker has been driving me insane. He's asked me about every day when he can see you again," My dad said to me as he started the car.

I buckled up and smiled. "I really wanted to see him the whole time too. Don't worry, that was mutual,"

"You better call him when we get home," Dad said, starting to drive.

I had no idea where we were even going. A whole new apartment and I had no idea where it was, or what would even be there. I didn't know if he had gotten some of my stuff, or if I barely had anything. I would be okay with either of the possible situations because at least I had somewhere to live.

He handed me my phone, his eyes still on the road. "It was really only a matter of time before you were going to ask for it," He said.

I took it, powering it on. I had a lot of notifications. A ton of them were from my basketball teammates. "Shit," I mumbled. I had missed one of the big games, and a ton of practices, and I had no idea what they knew if they even knew about it.

He glanced over at me. "I just told the school that you were sick if that's what the problem is,"

"How are you sick for two weeks? I'm doomed. I missed the big out of town game! Just because they kept me for an entire extra week!" I was even more annoyed than I had been before. Why couldn't they have just let me go early?

"I don't know why they kept you. They didn't really tell me," Dad said, but I felt like he was lying to me. They probably told him why they had kept me, and I just didn't think that he was going to tell me. Of course, he wasn't.

I nodded and ignoring most of the messages that I had, I went to Parker. His contact had changed since I first met him to 'Parkie <3'

'Hey. Just got out.' I sent it to him, with a smiley face in a separate message.

He didn't reply for a while. 'Boy have I got stuff to tell you. I'm coming over if that's okay' He sent a few minutes later.

I looked over to my dad. "Can Parker come over?" I asked him.

"Sure thing," He answered without any hesitation. "He knows the address, he came over a few times while you were still there,"

I raised one of my eyebrows. Parker had been at my own apartment before I had even seen it. "Why?" I asked him.

"Just talking. He was telling me more about what happened that night," My dad said with a shrug.

"Okay," I nodded and texted Parker again, telling him that he could come over as soon as he was able to get there. 

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