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Okay, so this story is actually doing insanely well. It's so crazy to believe. So thank you to anyone reading this. If you're a silent reader or one who comments and votes all the time, I appreciate you all. :)  

"What if he never wants to talk to me?" I asked, propping myself up on elbows to look at my dad who was standing in my doorway.

"You haven't seen the two of you like I have," He said, stepping further into the room and leaning against the wall. "It's obvious that the two of you are more in love than just about anyone,"

"But he looked so mad and upset. I don't know what to do. I've never had to do something like this,"

My dad sighed. "Everyone gets in fights, son. You and Parker aren't any exception to that. I was wondering when you guys would actually get into an argument. Why don't you go and see Samantha? You haven't been hanging out with her very often lately,"

I shrugged. "She's busy all the time. She's out of town anyway. Seeing this guy or something. I don't really know,"

"Your mother wants to see you. That's what I came to talk to you about,"

I frowned. Why would she want to see me? Me of all people? She had kicked me out and pretty much told me that she never wanted to talk to me or see me again. I didn't even know if I wanted to see her again.

"What does she want?" Probably to just yell at me for something else. Maybe she realized that Sammy was too good to yell at and needed me back to do that. Because I was pretty sure that she hadn't just totally changed her mind and decided that I could be her son again.

"She didn't say," He told me. He looked just as confused as I was myself. "She just said that if you want to see her, to meet her at Taco Bell later. You don't have to go. I'm not going to make you, and if you don't want to go, I'll call her right now and tell her exactly that,"

She hadn't seen me in over two months. What on earth could she possibly want? Or maybe she needed some money. I didn't know if Dad was giving her any, but did know that she didn't have a very good job herself.

"I'll go. I just won't stay for very long or something," I shrugged. What was the absolute worst thing that could happen?

"Just remember. Don't take anything negative that she says to heart. Okay?"

I nodded and laid back down. Oh boy, this was going to be fun.


I walked into Taco Bell and glanced around. I didn't see her anywhere. She would be there soon enough, though. She may hate me, but she had never been the type to show up late for anything.

I went up to the counter and ordered some food and went to sit down at a table in the back of the restaurant. There were a lot of people there. Maybe she had done that on purpose.

I pulled out my phone and was scrolling through Instagram when I heard the bell by the door ring. When I looked at who had come in, it was her. I took a deep breath to settle my nerves and looked back at my phone to seem like I hadn't looked at the door every time it had opened, hoping that she was going to show up.

"Hello," She said, sliding into the chair across from me.

"Hey," I said, hardly glancing up at her.

Looking at her made me feel weird. It made the emotions I had started to get overcome rushing back in one giant flood. Remembering that day at the lake where I had found myself in the hospital with Parker so worried.

"How have you been?" She asked me. I knew the tone in her voice. She was uncomfortable.

"I've been doing great," I said. I wasn't going to let on to what was happening with Parker. "So is Dad, don't know if you talked to him. You heard that I almost died, though. That's what I was told at least. Really appreciated you not showing up,"

My plan coming in was to be nice and pretend that she had never done what she did. Or pretend that she wasn't even my mom and she was just some random person that I had to work on a project with.

"Yes... I heard. It wasn't that bad though. I didn't see the reasoning behind coming,"

I had to let out a laugh. I had to. "It wasn't that bad? Funny, Mom. Love that your sense of humor is still there,"

"You aren't dead, are you? Then it wasn't that bad. You're the one who did it to yourself anyway,"

A frown had already settled on my face. "Well, not that you ever would've asked, but me and Parker are doing just fantastic," She didn't have to know that he probably hated me.

She got a scowl on her face. "It's only a matter of time before you realize that he's not the life that you want. I came to talk to you about my coworker's daughter. She's available, and even said that she was at the same party that you met... Parker at,"

So, she didn't even want to talk to me. She just wanted me to date a girl instead of Parker. Why wasn't I surprised?

"Mom, I'm pretty sure that I know who my soulmate is. Don't need your help in that department," All hope that I had about meeting up with her had plummeted.

"I just don't think that Parker is the person that you should be with," She said. "How are you supposed to have kids in the future?"

"I love him. Isn't that all that matters? Who I love?"

"Clearly not. I don't know how you can be so naive. You can't just go and spend the rest of your life with another man and expect everyone to be okay with it,"

"I think that I need to go," I said, standing up and grabbing my trash.

"Seb, sit back down,"

I ignored her, throwing my stuff and walking to the door. Before I left, I turned back and yelled one last thing. "Don't talk to me unless you're ready to be a mom!"

And then I slammed the door behind me. 

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