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I felt horrible every single day when I woke up. I had gotten hurt really bad when I fell, and it was obvious from how long I was in the hospital. Mom or Sammy still hadn't come to see me, and I tried to tell myself that I just had to deal with it and that I just had to accept that they weren't going to come.

But I couldn't help but get my hopes up every time I heard the door open. All I wanted was to see them.

Parker, Samantha, and my dad came a ton, but they couldn't be there all the time. They all had school and work that they couldn't just abandon.

I knew that as soon as I had recovered medically, I was going to the psych floor. My doctors had already told me that, and my dad had talked to me about it. We hadn't talked too much about me getting up there in the first place, and I really didn't want to talk about it. It was hard to talk about, hard to even think about.

So I tried my best to think about other stuff. I had found out that the safest thing to think about was Parker. Thinking about him made me happy, so my mind was on him a lot of the time.

I still don't really know exactly what happened to me. Injury wise. I knew that I had broken a lot of bones, and I knew that something had happened with my spleen and they had to do surgery on that and that I had gotten a minor brain bleed, that luckily didn't need surgery.

I wanted to go home. My dad had said that the apartment he found was small but really nice. But at the same time, I didn't want time to go on at all. My dad had told me that we were going to be talking that night. Parker had a swim meet. I couldn't decide what conversation would be worse, the whole Parker thing or the whole almost jumping thing.

But he was going to be there any minute now. He had already texted me and said that he was on his way, and he didn't work too far away from the hospital that I was staying at.

If I fell asleep he wouldn't be able to talk to me though.

While I was really considering it, at the same time, I knew that we needed to talk. About both things. If we didn't talk, the tension would just keep building up and it would just get so much worse by the time we finally talked.

The door opened and he walked in. "Hey kiddo," He said, sitting in the chair on the right side of me. The one on the left didn't have Parker's name of it, but it was pretty much his.

"Hey," I said. "How was work?"

"Changing the topic, I see. You're not getting out of this one. Don't worry, it's just about your little boyfriend,"

"He's not my boyfriend," I mumbled. We had never really made things official, but sometimes it felt like we were dating. I wasn't going to tell my dad that though.

"Love interest then. Soulmate. Whatever. Your Parker," He said, and I found myself shaking my head in amusement.

"What about him?" I asked.

"This is gonna be a pretty awkward conversation, but I'm just gonna keep it short and sweet. Not too worried about you two, because there can't be any babies or anything, but you still need to stay safe, use protection, blah blah," He said.

My face was definitely bright red. I had a feeling this conversation was going to happen. At least it wasn't my mother telling me. It would be so much more awkward if it had been her.

"Okay.... got it," I said. I refused to make eye contact with him and looked down.

"Great. That conversation is out of the way now," He paused, and I knew what was coming next. The conversation about the whole jumping thing. "You didn't really want to jump, did you?"

I didn't say anything for what felt like a million years. "I don't think I was ever going to actually do it. I would've wimped out at the last second. But... I climbed up there with that being the only reason to go up. It's not like I wanted to look at the scenery or anything," I said.

"Sebastion... I can't even imagine what you're going through right now. And your mother... just ignore her, Try to forget her. If she can't love you for you, then she doesn't deserve anything from you. And I love you, more than anything, okay? And Elliot does too. I didn't tell him much, just that something happened with your mom, and that you got hurt really bad. He's driving down now,"

And he probably would get right back in his car and go right back as soon as he figured out why I no longer lived at home. Or, the place that I used to call home.

My dad kept talking. "And I just want for you to be alive, healthy, and happy. I know that means being with Parker. Be with him. I don't care. I might not be the person that can help you sometimes, and that's okay. Just please, never do that again. Never even think about it if you can help it. Because I love you, and I don't know how I'd be able to live if you weren't here too," He said.

They were words that I had never really heard from either of my parents. I had never expected him to say stuff like that. I had never been the closest to my parents growing up. Maybe they weren't good at saying stuff like this.


A few days later, my dad had gone to work while me and Parker were hanging out in my room that I was so tired of at that point. I just wanted to leave.

I had finally been cleared to move, so I was on one side of the bed, with Parker laying down next to me.

"That looks disgusting," I said.

"It's really good! I promise you!" Parker said. He was trying to get me to eat this muffin he had that looked like the grossest thing in the world.

"It looks like it shouldn't even be classified as a muffin," I said.

He tore off a small piece of it and held it up to me.

"Nope, not eating-" He cut me off by putting the piece in my mouth. Clearly, I should've stayed quiet.

I made a face as I tasted it. But I did chew and swallow it. "I think that you need some updated taste buds if you think that should even be considered as edible," It tasted pretty close to that dog food that I had eaten when I was a kid.

"I think yours need to be updated, because this is one of the best muffins that your mouth could be blessed with," He nudged me lightly with his shoulder, and I shook my head.

"Some days I have to ask myself why I even put up with you," I told him.

"Because ya love me," Parker said with a smirk. "And I'm your soulllmate,"

The first part was clearly joking, so I didn't take it that seriously. We definitely weren't at the love part yet. Maybe one day, but not yet.

"I don't know how I can be soulmates with someone who thinks that muffin is a blessing. It should rot in the pits of hell,"

"Meanie. The muffin is very sad now. You hurt its feelings. Why you gotta be like that?" Parker asked.

I rolled my eyes. "You're ridiculous," I told him.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked me super suddenly like he had just decided to do something that he hadn't really thought through.

"Go for it," I said with a thumbs up.

"Okay uh..." He said, and I wondered if he was really going to ask. "Do you wanna... be my boyfriend?"

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