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After I talked with Parker for a little bit, I went to go and grab lunch. My family was really big on eating dinner as an entire family. Weird, but I was so used to it at that point so it wasn't that big of a deal.

I was being quiet that day, and my mom noticed.

"Sebastion, is there anything that you want to talk about?" She asked me.

I shook my head and didn't answer her until I finished chewing the bite of food that I had in my mouth. "Nope, nothing interesting,"

Besides my soulmate being a guy that I met at a party, that goes to an entirely separate school, and besides me thinking that I might just be falling for him.

Because I was. Every time that I wasn't thinking about anything, he entered my mind. Like a song that was stuck in your head for days.

I would see the blue walls of my living room, and I would think of his eyes. His eyes that were midnight blue- dark, but they got a little brighter every time that he smiled.

Dammit. Just finding out that he was my soulmate had me falling for him. Or maybe that had been happening ever since I met him. I probably just hadn't noticed.

My family talked about normal stuff. School, work, friends. My dad complained about how annoying his boss was at work. Usual things that happened at the William household. If they only knew what was going on in my hand.

I didn't contribute much to the conversation. Worried that I would say something that I didn't want them to know about.

I hadn't even figured this thing out for myself. I still had no idea what was happening with myself. Why would I tell my family before I even got it?

This shit was hard.

I stayed at the table until everyone was finished eating. Another rule in the William house. No leaving the table until everyone was done. Sometimes my parents would take extra long just to annoy us.

As soon as everyone was done, I got up and went to put my dishes in the sink, before I walked as fast as I could to my room. When I looked at my phone, it was a notification from Parker. Asking if he wanted to hang out at the park.

I was out the door and to my car in less than five minutes.


I parked about a block away from the park that Parker wanted to hang out at.

Parker wanted to hang out at a park, and I found that hilarious. Don't ask me why I just did. I've been told that I don't have a very good sense of humor.

When I got there, I started to look around for him. He had messaged me and told me that he was already there about five minutes before.

I was a nervous wreck.

Not because I was hanging out with Parker again, though that might be one of the reasons. But mostly because I had decided that I was going to talk to him about the soulmate thing. We had to talk about it eventually, and it was better to get it done sooner than later.

I saw him sitting on a swing a little bit away, and I also saw that the one next to him was empty. "Hey," I said, walking up to him and taking the swing next to him. "Hope that this seat wasn't taken," Even though I knew that it wasn't.

"Not at all," Parker said, turning in the swing to face me. "So, we need to talk,"

Oh no.

"About what?" I asked him. I had a feeling that he was going to say something about the soulmates.

"My mark went off last night. Knowing that, yours did too,"

Called it. I felt my cheeks flush a little bit. "Yeah, mine uh, did. I didn't notice until I got home though,"

Parker nodded, and he looked at me in silence for a few moments after that. "Look, I get that this whole soulmate thing is weird... and that maybe you weren't expecting it to be... well, me," He said.

"Yeah, um. Definitely wasn't expecting you," I said. "I've liked girls before. I never thought that I was..." I could barely even say the word. I had been able to say it so many times before last night, but now it got caught up in my throat, on the tip of my tongue. I just couldn't say it.

"Gay," Parker finished for me.

I nodded.

"Well, that's easy to explain. You could be bi, or pan, or something else," He said.

I had never really heard of what those ones were. My parents made it clear that I was never exposed to anything involving sexuality. They did not approve of it at all. Which scared me so much. I frowned a little. "What are those?"

I felt stupid. Like some little kid that was getting taught his numbers, or how to read. I felt like this was something that I should probably know..

Parker didn't say anything again for a second. He was looking at me again. "Bi, or bisexual. It's where you feel attraction to guys and girls. Pansexual, is where you feel attraction to anyone. Regardless of their gender," He said. "Now this is something I wish I could help you out with, but I just can't. You have to figure this out all on your own,"

I took in those words with a slow and silent nod. I knew that he wouldn't be able to help me with this, and I knew it was all on me. I also knew that it would not be an easy thing to figure out.

"Well... " I said quietly. "What about us?" I asked him. "We're literally soulmates. We can't just go back to friendship status after knowing that,"

It hit me that maybe with hum, we had never just been at friendship level. Maybe he had noticed his mark as soon as it went off.

"I say... let's not do anything about it until you get yourself figured out. It's not a good idea to become something before you get that. After... we'll talk."

It made sense to me, and I nodded again. "Okay,"

Parker smiled at me. "Good," He stood up. "Now I'm late for swim practice. But I'll talk to you later," 

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