The Execution

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Fred leaves Snow's quarters, white rose in hand, and passes Paylor as he goes back to his room. He puts the rose in water and forces himself to consider what Snow has said. He has to know, even if it really hurts to find out. He thinks either the Capitol killed all the children so they could get the rebels, or the rebels disguised themselves as Capitol soldiers to strike the last time. Fred keeps second guessing himself. It seems unlikely 13 would sacrifice so many innocent lives. On the other hand, he knows they had the technology to do it. Maybe Snow isn't lying but is too late for his apologies. He seems pretty right about Coin's role in it all. Fred thinks back to what Boggs told him, about how Coin probably saw him as a danger. He remembers Holly and Judy and gets really sad again, wondering if his friends' deaths was caused deliberately or by accident. He wishes for a friend to talk to and the only person who might be able to help is Bertha. But to ask her would open up the possibility that it was her weapons that killed Holly and Judy. Then, Fred realizes he could check on Haymitch. He goes to find him, but he's a drunken mess. He insults him and he heads out, clearly he's not the best person to talk right now. He hides in a closet and takes some morphling, before descending into a hysterical fit. Finally people discover him and try to bring him back to himself. Fred runs into Haymitch before having to clean himself up and then submit to his team. It's time to get all made up for Snow's execution. Shockingly, Cinna appears. He's not dead after all. Cinna told Fred that someone named Lyme saved him after his interrogation and threatened to beat the guards to a pulp. Fred was very happy to see Cinna alive again. Fred transforms into the Mockingjay once again. Bertha stops by. Something in their relationship had been broken. So Fred comes right out and asks whether it was her weapon that killed Holly and Judy. Bertha has no idea, but she does know that it's ruined her relationship with Fred either way. They clearly can't be together after that. She leaves. Fred finds the rose, goes to the prep team, and ends up in a room with all the other surviving Games victors. Only a few are left. Coin comes in and says the remaining people are safe because of Fred's demand for protection of certain victors. Coin explains that Panem's people still want justice outside of Snow's death. The victors have to vote on another possible option for providing that justice, enacting one final Games. This one would use children from important Capitol families. Kevin votes no. Enobaria votes yes, saying President Snow has a granddaughter and let them have the taste of their own medicine. Annie and Beetee vote no. Fred is concerned that after all they've been through, it was for nothing. He votes yes, for Holly and Judy. Haymitch votes yes with Fred. As Coin is leaving, Fred gives his rose to take to Snow. Then it's a whirlwind sweeping Fred and the others out to Snow's execution. He and Snow face each other, and Fred places the rose in Snow's lap. Fred shoots his arrow at Snow's neck. Thinking of Snow's ugly snake eyes made Fred hurled all over him, his blood choking in laughter. Fred's imaginary dad ( John Cena ) pops up saying Coin played you both for fools so kill her too. Fred also shoots Coin from a distance and falls off the balcony being trampled by the other people. Fred can almost see policemen closing in on him, about killing Coin. He takes out a night lock pill and takes it. Kevin and Enobaria screams no! and tries to see Fred, but the policemen take him, as he was passed out from the pill. Fred wakes up at the Training Center. People leave him alone. This ordeal hasn't exactly been good for his body. He bathes and eats, and then waits. He does not know what to do. He can't commit suicide within this small room, there aren't enough supplies. He withdraws into drugs they give him for pain, and starts to sing all the time. Fred becomes more and more sad, even depressed. He doesn't want to be part of this world anymore. One day, Haymitch shows up and releases him. Haymitch says he was on trial, but it's finished. He takes Fred to Plutarch, who explains what happened while the three travel back to their home districts on the hovercraft. Paylor became president of Panem. Fred was put on trial, but Plutarch defended him, as did his shrink, Dr. Aureilus and Cinna who will help out with him to help Fred to not be so depressed. Fred goes back to 12. Plutarch wonders what long-term effects their revolution will have, then returns to District 3. Haymitch goes with Fred to 12. He drops Fred off and leaves. The next day, Fred sees Greasy Sae who cooks for him. Greasy Sae stops by twice a day to make sure Fred eats something. In the meantime, Fred is completely depressed. Finally one day, Greasy Sae lets Fred know his prized possessions have been sent to the house. The next day he wakes up to find Kevin outside of his house. He has brought primroses to plant in his friends' memory. Fred's finally brave enough to go back up to his room and burns the rose that Snow left for him. Later, Greasy Sae lets him know that Bertha has moved away. Fred is ready to hunt again. The great field he played and hunted in is now a big burial ground. Suddenly, he sees the cat Buttercup. It's not until he yells at him that he's able to start crying for his friend Holly. He and Buttercup become friends. After that, Fred returns to humanity, reaching out to the people he'd been ignoring. He has an idea that he shares with Kevin. They make a memory book of all the people they knew who died in the Games and the war. Annie has a baby boy, so part of Finnick is still with them. Kevin, Fred and Haymitch stay. Fred's mother Helda says finally I'm taking a nap, so she goes upstairs to her room and naps. Fred and Kevin grow back together but still struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder, and find love in each other once again. They're able to heal each other and look forward to the future.

Fred Mockingjay Part 2Where stories live. Discover now