Chapter 3.1

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You wake up for the second time this week with a nock on your front door. You glance at the clock beside you, and it wasn't even 5 a.m. yet. You decide to lay in bed for a few more minutes, annoyance reaching your nerve. This was no hour to pay another a visit, and besides, the nock you'd heard was so soft, they couldn't possibly be either Naruto nor Sakura (Sakura was quite strong, so thought she knocked only once, it would always be pretty looud), and Sasuke was out of question, so whoever it was, it could probably wait. They could easily come by later again.

As you were about to fall back to sleep, a sudden knocking made you jump out of bed, for the knocking this time came from your bedroom's window. Good thing you always closed the curtains.

'Hm... a perv, I see...'
You think to yourself as you pick up a kunai that always stood on your bedside, and hided it behind your back, as you slowly opened your courtain only enough to see who was on the other side. Your eyes widen with surprise at the sight of Hatake Kakashi, who only smiled and waved back at you, motioning that he wished to speak with you.
'Well, I suppose calling him a perv would be... close enough...'

You open your window and look at your sensei with an incredulous expression, asking:
"Is anything wrong, sensei? The sun has just risen, so I hope that this is of worth."

"Ah hah hah, do excuse me... I've just been meaning to ask you something as of late." He answers, a soft laugh sounding out from behind his mask.

"...I'll open the front door, so just enter through there, sensei..." You say, as you close the window and head outside of the room

When you open the front door, your sensei was already standing there like he hadn't even been to your windows at all.
You stare at him with your eyes half open, perhaps because you felt annoyed at the hour, or perhaps because you were simply still feeling tired at the moment.

"What is it that you need to know now, sensei?" You ask once again.

"...Have you been remembering something as of late..? A past memory, perhaps..?" He asks.
You immediately feel your face lose both its color and heat, knowing exactly what your sensei was asking of you.

No, he wasn't asking wether you'd been thinking about last year, or the year before. He probably realized that you'd regained your past memories, the memories before Konoha, and this world. You simply motioned him to come inside your home in response, and so he did. You both sat on your kitchen's table and you served him some tea.
It was still early, so the color that blushed the division was one more like a cloudy sunset than of one of a brand new day.

You felt yourself shrink at the analysing gaze Kakashi sent your way, and you simply began muttering a few words, searching for the right words to say. This topic was basically all you thought of for these past few weekes.

"Um... I... I have, but... it's all a little foggy right now, so..." You answer, stuttering. But the gaze your sensei sent your way only mentioned he wished you to proceed your speech.
"I... I wasn't a ninja or anything like that, I was only a normal girl with nothing special about herself." You decide to state out the fact that you were no enemy from another village nor anything of the sort, first. You immediately sense Kakashi's shoulders losing some of their tension.
"And... well... I..." Nothing else would reach your mind.
'And, what? That I'm from another world? That'd raise too many complicated questions, and confusion.'

"...You were from...?" He asks, taking you by surprise.

"...Nowhere, really. Nothing related to any of the Nations in particular happened in there... I... didn't even have... a family." Well, for the most part, you were saying the truth. But you lied when saying you had no family there, where you were from. And that cost you dearly. You felt like you were leaving behind an important part of yourself in the back of your mind, as if you were letting go of it at once. The family you loved and tried not to think about, for you would miss them so if you did.
That is, it's not like you'd completely given up on the idea of going back home to your family and friends, you never knew, there might've been a way. But the fact that you were denying the existence of, so to speak, the other and original you towards someone you were rather close with in this world, your sensei, made you feel like you were a step closer to giving up on that hope.

After a moment of silence, you look up, only to see an expressionless Kakashi sitting in front of you. You slightly gasp when you notice, but right after, you lower your head once again.

"Will you... tell Tsunade-sama now...?" You felt like in this moment you'd almost sounded like a little kid, afraid to be told off by their parents.

"..Nope, but thanks for telling me about it." Kakashi answers, and as you look up, you now notice his visible eye smiling at you,  his voice smiling as well, as usual.

You felt relieved and your body grew a little warmer at last as soon you heard those words.
Unnoticeably, your cheeks tinted red with relief and tiredness, you smiled back at your sensei, muttering a "Thank you."
You didn't notice that blush creeping on tour cheeks, but he did.

Now back to your normal state of mind, you felt, and noticed that you were still wearing your pajamas, and stood up from your chair, apologising your sensei for your lack of apresentation.

"I-If you want, sensei, since it's early, I'll offer you some breakfast...? As a thanks... or something..." You stuttered.

"Hmm... no, it's fine. I was the one who came unannounced anyway. " Kakashi answered, getting up from his seat and heading to the door. "But thank you. I'll see you during training later." He smiles, as he leaves your apartment empty, with only you standing inside.

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