The Rage of Dawn: Burning Embers

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Just for a moment, Haks heart stopped as he could have sworn he saw the late King Ill's necklace around the figures neck, still stained with the blood of his former King. However, the next moment the necklace is gone and in one smooth movement, the figure takes their scythe and shatter the second wave of arrows fired at them. Though they are unable to get all of them, none of the arrows manage to hit their intended targets. "Hak!" Yona cries in shock and worry, her eyes wide with horror that her childhood friend and bodyguard had actually taken a hit.

Completely ignoring the other arrow that had been aimed for her, the one that hit the masked figure. Not giving the trio a chance to recover the spear men and soldier take the opportunity given and charge towards them, weapons raised in preparation to attack. "Hak, are you all right?!" The princess cries out panicking at her companions lack of response "Hak!" The said man hunches over, the arrow wound bleeding onto his clothing, his fringe covering his eyes.

'If they hadn't taken that arrow for the Princess, she would've gotten hit ... Why did they do that?' Hak thinks to himself before composing himself, hesitating for only a fraction of a second he reached a hand back and rips the arrow out of his person. He watches from the corner of his eye as the strange figure does something similar, but instead of pulling out the arrow whole they reach down to their thigh, where the arrow had pierced them, and break off the arrow shaft. Quickly, they take a spare piece of thick cloth and messily tie it around the wound, slightly stopping the free flowing blood from going any further.

He turns to his princess, dropping the blood covered arrow to the ground, and responds to the questions asked of him, "Don't worry about me. It's creepy." Beads of sweat roll down his face as he looks to Yona, pain in his eyes but a comforting expression on his face, his brows furrowed in concentration. Footsteps hastily rush away from them, causing the two to look towards the noise, only to find the figure keeps on fighting while the two of the recover.

Hak turns back to his princes and sticks out his tongue in a forceful carefree manner, attempting to keep Yonas attention off the bloody battle surrounding them. "Why, you-" Yona starts, but she's cut off when Hak brings her closer to him and slams his weapon into the ground, using it to launch the two of them over the small horde of soldiers and safely onto a higher ledge. Hak carries the princess under his left arm and ignores the burning sensation in his shoulder in favor of getting his princess away from any danger that may put her in harm's way.

"Amazing." A soldier says in awe of the power held by their opponent as he saved his princess from their grasp. This miffs another soldier, most likely of a higher position that common soldier who responds with a gruff, "Don't stand around impressed! He's injured! After him!" The higher ranking soldier then looks over to another group of soldiers as they pass by, "And you! Go after the other one, they're injured as well! No mercy!" He shouts as his orders are performed with haste. The second group of soldiers charged at the wounded masked figure, slightly intimidated at their fighting style, though they push on and attack as they were ordered.

A group of soldiers survey the area as they search and search for their targets, "We haven't found them yet." One calls out to the rest, "What about over there?" Another suggests to those who stopped to listen, "They're not here!" Calls out yet another soldier as they look for the runaway Princess Yona and The Thunder Beast, Son Hak. "Come on!" A wounded soldier cries out desperately, "The other guy is too good, we need more numbers to take him down!" With those words, the few soldiers in the area move from the soft green fields back to the harsh stone cliffs.

The sky has changed in hue as a telling sign that the persistence of the soldiers and their lord knows no bounds. Down below, hidden in a ditch, are the two runaways. Yona has her back to the stone wall behind her and faces the one charged with keeping her safe, she sits on her heels , her hands daintily in her lap, a quiver of arrows and Hak's bow to her right, "Don't move, no matter what." Hak orders her as he squats in front of her, his Hsu-Quandao laying harmlessly on the ground to his right. "Hak, you're bleeding..." The princess weakly claims as she gazes upon her friend, to which said friend replies with, "It isn't mine."

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