An Oracle, a Tsundere and a Princess. Oh My!

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The apricot haired male gave an incredulous look to the black haired female next to him, who only sighed quietly and nodded at his silent question of 'Is she serious?'  He spoke with a monotone voice, "I see ... I feel bad for him." Yoon looked at the naive redhead and for a moment to think about how he would feel if his Karasu had acted the same way towards him. He then promptly decided that he might have actually gone insane if Karasu acted in such a manner towards him.

Yes, she was very quiet Yoon knew this, but the way in which she was quiet varied from circumstance to circumstance. Sometimes it was a calming silence where Yoon knew she cared just from how tightly she held onto him, other times it was a harsh and cold silence that made it seem as though your very heart would explode with fear if such anger was directed towards you, and on the rare occasion it would be an embarrassed silence where she would fidget in place, this usually only happened on Yoon's birthday, when Karasu presented him with a gift that she didn't know for certain if he would like.

Yoon saw Karasu give him a look as she exited the home that the two and their parents had made together, her eyes telling him that she wanted him in one piece when she returned. How Yoon figured out what each look meant was unknown to him, Ik-Soo usually mixed up what certain looks meant, but Yoon never did. It was almost as though there was someone in his ear whispering the words she could not say, or rather, didn't know how to say.

Yoon shook his head and faced the redheaded female before him as she looked around his home, suddenly more relaxed now that Karasu had left. "Where are we?" She questioned, "Is this the bottom of the valley? Do you live here?" Her head turned from side to side as she examined the living conditions of the boy in front of her. Yoon held a small basket of herbs as he stood up and looked at the female.

"I guess." He answered offhandedly, not really wanting to talk to a stranger all that much. The red head looked at Yoon and spoke, "Are you a doctor? I'm looking for someone-" but her words were cut off by a dreamy voice cutting her off as they excitedly called out a name. A voice that made Yoon both want to smile and smack the person to whom the voice belonged to because of how much of a supposed pain he was.

And though he would never admit it, he did care, he cared a lot but growing up the way he did taught him that if you show affection openly then it only tells other "Hey, this is something I care a lot about, if you take it I don't know what I'd do." Growing up the way he did, it was painful. And though he didn't show really show it at first glance, the little meals he left for Ik-Soo when he meditated late into the night, the times he and Karasu would just spend hours upon hours on the roof just gazing at the stars, each little thing he did for them that he didn't need to told of how much he truly cared.

"Yoon! Yoon! Listen! Listen to this!" Coming in through the door was a tall man who was covered in mud. He had curly light blonde hair that he tied in a plait at the back of his head. He also had an overgrown fringe that obscured where his eyes would be. He was wearing a simple white robe locked in light yellow sash, white pants and a pair of straw sandals. Though before he could enter too far into the home, the older blond male was stopped by Yoon raising his foot and using it to keep the man from entering any further.

"Hey, don't come in here! Why are you covered from head to toe in mud?!" The males robe was sagging slightly which caused a portion of his chest to be shown through the cloth, revealing a shiny silver ring on a piece of twine around his neck. The man frantically spilled out his answer not wanting to upset his son- I mean, companion. "I was praying to the gods so that everyone might have peace and ease, but I guess I got carried away because I slipped and fell in the mud!"

The blonde lost his balance and wobbled for a bit before falling back into the dirt floor causing a dust cloud to rise up. Yoon looked at his father- I mean his clumsy guardian, "Man, what a pain. The gods have definitely forsaken you this time." Yoon said in a frustrated tone, already used to his guardians god talk. The blond looked up at the ceiling above him and sadly cried out "No!" Though before he had time to mourn the gods supposedly forsaking him, he noticed someone else in his home.

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