Returning To The House Of Memories

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Drip drop. Drip drop. The sound of liquid filled the air along with the smell and sound of someone cooking, 'I can hear voices.'  The princess thought to herself, slowly regaining the ability to create thoughts however not having the strength to open her eyes. 'The voices of a crowd.'  For a couple moments she drifted into consciousness. And then backed out again. 'Who's there?'  The world around her was a blur of movement, and random images seemed to float aimlessly around in the innermost parts of her thoughts, as though they were being blown about viciously by rabid winds that showed no intent on stopping.

'Su-won?'  Yona could feel a sweet liquid flow from the edges of her lips as the world around her finally came into focus, her violet eyes snapped open as she gasped at her unfamiliar surroundings. Her soft amethyst orbs met harsh blood red ones, Yona shivered at both the intensity of the stare and the inability to decipher what was hidden in the red orbs, they were blank, not unlike an empty book. Long soft black locks flowed from the figures head, creating a dark halo of sorts around them, giving them a demonically beautiful aura.

Violet eyes scanned the unknown persons figure, noting how their right arm seemed to be strangely bandaged and was suspended in place by a cloth that went around her torso. Yona found herself getting slightly jealous at the unknown females chest, while Yona had a modest chest though rather small in her opinion, the female before her had a noticeably larger chest when compared to hers, though not to an outrageous degree. The unknown female gently stuffed what seemed to be an orange slice into her mouth, then she stood up and walked over to another unknown person.

The other unknown was a boy with a feminine face and a short stature that makes him easily mistaken for a teen girl walked towards the runaway princess, though something in the redhead told her this unknown person was male. He had a very fair skin, a pair of bright blue eyes and short apricot-colored hair with long bangs parted in half that hung down to his cheeks. He adorned his hair by putting two small white feathers on its left side. The bright blue eyed male walked over to her and kneeled down next to her as he spoke. "You're awake? Eat this."

-Karasu's POV-

Yoon's voice was rather blunt though soothing to me, I could tell that the redhead saw me as I relaxed my body slightly. I could tell she saw me still keeping a keen eye on her, probably getting the idea that I did not fully trusting her. There was no malice in my red eyes only suspicion as I spectated the interaction, but I did see a slight hint of fear in her violet orbs as she moved her attention from me onto Yoon. "Who are you?" The redhead asked, her brow furrowed slightly. "My name is Yoon. I'm just a passing, handsome boy, so you don't have to remember me. Nothing to write home about."

Yona's gaze turned to me and Yoon answered the hesitant question lingering in the air. "That's Karasu." He said bluntly, not giving away any information about me besides my name. I mentally thanked him for remembering for this long that I disliked strangers knowing stuff about me. Call it paranoia or whatever, it's just how my mind worked, 'Strangers were a danger until proven otherwise.'  My mind reminded me as Yona flinched from our gazes meeting, a voice in my head refuted my previous mental statement.

'Except children, children are innocent beings and deserve all the love that can be given and more.'  With that thought I think back to the family I had made, they were mostly young children, specifically her two new children that she had adopted. Ren Hakuyuu, a young boy with soft dark blue hair and blue eyes. He had thin, split-ended eyebrows and a mole on his chin, he could often if not always be seen with his hair in a bun atop his head. He was 11 years old and already had a very severe and serious personality, though once you knew how to make him smile it was quite easy to do so from there.

However, it wasn't hard to see that he loved his family, both his new one and his biological younger brother, greatly and was not afraid to put himself in harm's way for their sake. Ren Hakuren, a young child of average height and build, with coarse dark blue hair and slanted blue eyes. He had thin, split-ended eyebrows and a mole on his chin, like his older brother. He too, could also be seen with a bun, though his was usually more towards the back of his head. He was 8 years old and had a cheerful, bright, easygoing and honest personality.

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