Memories Or Nightmares, Which One Is It?

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(A/N) Hey guys! I just wanted to make something clear, in the chapter titled "Returning To The House Of Memories" there are two Easter eggs, can you find them? The first 3 to comment on the Easter eggs will have one question answered, though I won't give away anything too big or a plot twist vital to the story (though I will give vague clues as to not ruin any surprises if a plot twist reveal is what you ask for), I will do my best to answer the questions you have. If you have any questions about the Easter eggs, please let me know and I'll do my best to explain them.

Word Count: 3196

Ik-Soo laughed nervously as the princess looked at him with disbelief, not showing the small painful throb in his heart. He had never been the best oracle and quite honestly considered himself one of the worst oracles, while he was clumsy and always getting his robe dirty and torn. The other oracles, that he had met during his time in the Hiryuu Castle, had an air of importance around them that told everyone around them that their words were not to be taken lightly.

He had suffered many jabs and prodding of unwillingness to believe that he was telling the truth during his youth and the words of confusion from the princess brought back those memories of the jokes and deeply cutting words of discouragement. It was only when Kagemi had stumbled into his teenage life that he realized that he shouldn't have to care what others thought of him, but the sad part was that even though he realized that he shouldn't he did.

He wasn't strong enough to brush off their words like her, nor was he able to respond in quick lethal words as she did in his defense. But once Kagemi had entered his life he realized something. He may not be able to dismiss the words of others, but so long as he had someone who he valued, he would put their words above the words of anyone else. In his youth that person had been Kagemi, as a young adult that person was both Kagemi and Yoon.

Now that Kagemi was gone the only people whose words he took into account were Karasu and Yoon. Sure the young female in front of him was Hiryuu's reincarnation but her words didn't harm his heart as much as they would have had things been different. She may have been important to the gods but, as harsh as it sounded, she wasn't important to him. She wasn't his child, she wasn't Yoon, she wasn't Karasu and certainly wasn't his beloved wife Kagemi.

Said young girl was still in front of him and his son, in shock at the clumsy blond being the oracle she and her companion had searched for. "You mean to tell me that you're the oracle?" The young red head placed her hand delicately into her lap as she looked at the supposed oracle, "In that case you must have known I was coming here before I did." Ik-Soo responded with a simple yet happy, "Yeah! I also knew that a..." he paused for a moment thinking if Karasu would mind him referring to her as his daughter to the princess, he figured no but he wasn't sure.

Deciding to play it safe he chose to refer to her as a close friend. Once he finished weighing his options, he continued. "Very close friend would be helping you two get here as safe as possible." That struck Yona's interest, 'Are these two really close to that masked person from the cliffs? I wonder if it was the same girl I saw when I woke up...'  Yona cleared her head and looked to the oracle who was now kneeling before her, on the dirt in the front third of the inside of the house.

"It's my job to sit in contemplation and listen to the voices of the gods." As the older male spoke there almost seemed to be sparkles surrounding them, the words 'I wish for everyone's happiness' and 'I wish for everyone's health' being some of his most common prayers that he sent up to the gods in hopes that they would make the world a better place. "Then I bring their message to the people, they tell me all kinds of things about our world."

The older male seemed truly devoted to the gods that he spoke so fondly of, though his companion thought otherwise. "You seriously call that a job?" Yoon grabbed the shoulder area of his father's robe and pulled slightly. "It's not like you get paid for it." Yoon tugged slightly on the cloth with a frustrated look on his face as he continued. "You just sit around praying all day."

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