A Promise Ring

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(A/N) Hey guys! Sorry for the late update. My story vanished from my profile, I apologize if you experienced any trouble during that time period. I had almost lost hope that I would get my story back, thankfully though, it returned. In celebration I whipped up a quick Modern AU! which takes place when Yoon and Karasu are ... well i'll leave it to you to find out what they are in this small AU! chapter. If you like this type of thing ill be sure to try and make them more often, or at least when something good happens. I hope you enjoy it! I wrote it in a short amount of time, but i hope its enough until the weekend when ill try to update a full chapter.

Word Count: 1114

- Not A Cannon Part Of The Plot Line -

Under the gentle spring sun, it's rays warmed my skin as every moment passed the soft morning light felt like kisses from the heavens, as if they had blessed the morning to come about in an even more beautiful manner than usual. The delicate leaves that surrounded my, or rather our, new house had that soft green hue, one that seemed to glow with the morning dew, and the ground was scattered with vivid blooms whose petals danced in the breeze to their own tempo and rhythm.

A variety of colorful plants and herbs littering the gardens that could be seen from my position on the bed. I loved mornings like these. Don't get me wrong, I was by no means a morning person but it was times like these that made me not all that bothered by my body waking me up at ungodly hours for no apparent reason. For a few moments I just stared at the ceiling and gathered my thoughts of prior events. My bed was begging me to slip back into slumber but I refused to allow it.

Instead of waking up how I usually did, that being me promising myself just a few moments to rest my eyes then opening them to find I had somehow time traveled 20 minutes into the future, but in that moment I just looked to my side and smiled. It was days like this that allowed me to keep going, my lover by my side, snuggled up to me as he slept comfortably. I was more of a night owl but it was mornings like this that made me glad that I had my irregular sleep schedule.

His apricot colored hair messily sat atop his head, making him look even more adorable than he did on a daily basis, something I did not really think possible with how much I loved him, times like this morning reminded me that it was okay to be wrong. I ran my fingers through his hair and massaged his scalp, he hummed and cuddled closer to me, seeking more of the pleasant coolness my skin gave off.

My body was naturally cold, but my lover, bless his heart, never seemed to mind. I let my mind wander to the previous night, it was nice, I sighed deeply and smiled. 'This is the one that I have given my heart to, I can't say I'm complaining though.' I peppered his face with gentle kisses and nuzzles, he scrunched up his face in the most adorable manner. He groaned slightly and held me closer, I gently squeezed him and laid gentle kisses on his temple, gently and lovingly trailing the kisses down to his thin shoulder.

He let out slight mewls and opened one beautiful blue eye, "Su~" he complains tiredly, "Go back to sleep~ It's ..." He pauses for a second and blinks, squinting at the alarm clock on the bedside table, he sighs, "4 in the morning." He let his head fall onto my chest, I just grin tiredly in response and speak in a low voice, "Morning" I could feel his face flush, the temperature seeped through the over sized t-shirt that I called my pajamas.

He always gets flustered when he hears me speak in the morning, it never fails to elicit a furious blush from him. "Su~" He whined softly, he looked up at me with a pleading look, a hint of frustration in his voice. I chuckle and run my fingers through his hair and hold the back of his head, I bring his face close to mine. "Yoon~" He stiffened and flushed even more, his red cheeks rivaling that of the dawn that had just broken the horizon.

"Please," he begged, meeting my red eyes with his blue orbs "Stop teasing me." I shrugged slightly and a lopsided grin formed on my lips as our noses touched, I hummed before I gave my lover the answer he knew was coming. "No." Without waiting for his protests I brought his lips to mine, one hand gently gripping the back of his head, the other wrapping around his small waist. I tilted my head to the side and tightened my grip on his hair, he let out a submissive whimper and closed his eyes.

The kiss obliterated every other thought either of us had. And for the first time in what felt like forever my mind was locked into the present. The worries of the previous day and what I was supposed to do evaporated like a summer shower on a hot car. His usual mode of hurrying from one thing to the next was suspended, he had no wish for the kiss to end. Drunk on endorphins his only desire was to touch me and hold me close seeing as he moved his hands to grip the sides of my shirt and feel my lips against his.

In moments the soft caress has become more firm, I savored his lips and the quickening of his breath that matched my own told me that he too was fully immersed in the kiss. A kiss like this was a beginning, a promise of much more to come. Slowly, we pulled away from each other and smiled, Yoon giggled, still dazed from the kiss. He snapped out of his stupor and nuzzled hurriedly into my neck to hide the furious blush, he pouted adorably.

"Stop teasing me~" He whined, still half asleep but more awake from before thanks to the kiss. I closed my eyes and held Yoon close to me as i brought the blankets up to cover more of the two of us, Yoon sighed but gave in and snuggled close to me. I could feel him curl into me, I intertwined our fingers with one hand and wrapped my other arm loosely around his waist. The wind blew through the slightly open window, it strength moving the curtains to its rhythm.

The soft early rays of sunlight sifting through the air as it found it way onto the two of us. I smiled and nuzzled his temple before allowing the awaiting slumber that called me. The sunlight glinting as it fell upon the rings that that two of them wore on their left ring fingers, the white gold metal giving off a rainbow of colors. Oh, did I not mention it? Yoon looked at me and smiled bashfully, "I love you, my soon to be wife." I grinned and returned his words, "I love you as well, my soon to be husband." Yoon and I are engaged.

" Yoon and I are engaged

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