(1) Starting Off Fresh

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~ Kayla POV ~

Yeah I'm so happy that today is the first day of my Senior year. And no, this isn't sarcasm. This is pure joy. I'm not like everyone else. I'm a proud African American who likes books and studying. I guess you can call me a nerd.

I don't like being called a nerd, but that's what the kids at school call me. Trust me when I tell you this, I get bullied for EVERYTHING. My looks, the lack of not partying and doing bad things, etc.

Of course, there's my best friend Crystal who is the total opposite but I love her still. She is really pretty too (pic of her above) even with braces. Don't underestimate her looks though. She always defend me when someone tries to bully me. That's one reason why we are best friends. I have to say that we have been friends since birth so I consider her family.

Now when it comes to siblings, I HAD a brother. He was the sweetest human being and he was 25 when cancer took him away from my family. I never knew my dad because he never was in our family's life. My mom of course found another man and I'm proud to call him my dad. He may not be my actual dad, but I would definitely consider him to be one.

Now I'm getting way too deep into my life. Let's start the story shall we? I open my eyes and smile. I get up and decide to actually look a little more presentable since it is the first day. I take a nice shower and brush my teeth. After, I get out of the shower, dry off, rub Shea butter all over my face and cocoa butter on my body.

I walk out of my bathroom and look in my big mirror and look at my body. My body is aight I guess. My boobs aren't huge or small but my butt is a total different story. That's one think I like about my body. It isn't huge like implants but it looks like I've been doing some squats.

My stomach is a little chubby but not to the point where it sticks out. My mom thinks that I need to eat more, but I have a fast metabolism so it doesn't even matter plus I work out a lot.
Aight let me get dressed before I bore you guys.

I decide to wear black skinny jeans that has little tears on them, red and white striped shirt, and some white Air Forces. I finally decide to wear my box braids down and not in a ponytail.

I smile and walk downstairs to hear my best friend talking to my parents in the kitchen. I walk in and everyone smiles and greets me.

"Good morning baby girl. Are you ready for your first day of being a senior?" My mom says in a cheerful mood.

I smile and hug her.

"Yes mother I am ready. I gotta go but love you guys."

She pecks my cheek and send Crystal and so out the door. We get into Crystal's Black Mustang and she speeds off to school. She parks in the school parking lot and we both smile at each other.

"Ready?" She asks me.

I take a deep breath and nod my head yes and we get out of the car. Everyone starts to stare and I automatically get nervous. I really don't like attention.

Crystal seemed to notice and hugs my side as we walk into school. There are a lot of faces I remember and some are brand new. The school counselor greets us at the entrance and hands us our schedules.

Crystal and I have every class together. They are all advanced classes. As we separate to go to our lockers, I hear people start to stare at me and whisper their mean insults.

"Omg look at the school nerd trying to look good for once"

"I don't even know why she tries, she still looks ugly as fuck"

"She always needs to have a body guard instead of handling things herself"

"Who would ever get with that"

"Look at her burnt ass I mean who would love a nigger like her"

I ignore their rude remarks and get my stuff from my locker. I have been dealing with this for all of my life. Nothing will change so I might as well get used to it.

As I was walking to home room, I walked into someone and all of my books fell. I started to pick my stuff up and the person helps me. He hands me a book and that's when I look up at him.

Yep I remember that face because it's hard not to. The popular athlete Addison was standing in front of me holding my binder. He has been my crush for years now, but I never had the courage to talk to him.

"OMG I am so sorry I didn't mean to run into you. Please forgive me." I say quick trying not to get killed on my first day.

He chuckles and smiles; showing off his perfect white teeth and deep dimples.

"Hey it's ok I wasn't paying attention. Here's your binder."

I take my binder and mumble a thank you before putting my head down. I finally realize that we are standing in silence as people are looking at us and I run off into home room thinking about Addison.

~ Addison POV ~

I watch the girl walk past me and I get a smell of cocoa butter. Got this girl smells so good. I didn't even notice that I was still staring at her until Jared came up to me and broke me out of my trance.

"Hey you good there? Looked like you saw your future wife or something."

Hey future wife doesn't sound so bad. Damn, I need to get my mind off of her. I smile and pat Jared's back as we walk into homeroom.

"Jared, do you think that I'll actually get myself a girl this year? And I mean an actual girl."

He looks taken aback from my question but still answers.

"I believe anything can happen. I mean look at me. I have been trying to make Crystal mine, but so far that's been going slow as fuck. I mean all summer, we just texted and called each other and I still get butterflies. So yes I do think you'll get a girl this year."

I smile and we walk into homeroom. As soon as I walk in, her chocolate skin and her box braids come into my view. Well so much for trying to avoid her.

I whisper to Jared.

"I think I found my girl."

He looks shocked and we sit in the back far away from the girls, but still to the point where I can still see her.

"So who is the lucky girl?" He jokes and wiggles his eyebrows at end.

I look over at her and he follows my eyes and gasps once he notices who it is.

"Bro, that's Kayla. She's friends with Crystal."

I smile at her name. Kayla.

"Did she just transfer here? I've never seen her before."

He sighs in disappointment.

"She's always been here bruh. She's always have been there but of course people either don't notice her or they straight up bully her. And all because she is smart and she's black."

I start to get mad at others and myself. How long has this beauty been hiding? And who bullies her so I can personally kill them myself?

I look back at her and we made direct eye contact. I smile and wink at her. She instantly blushes and looks back at Crystal. I chuckle and look back at Jared who had a stupid grin on his face.

"So Addison finally finds his girl?"

I playfully shove him and smile.

"Shut up and help me."

"Okay so what I can do is have Crystal sit with us and bring Kayla with her. Then we can chill out after school. How does that sound?"

I look back at Kayla and she was laughing at what Crystal must have said. I smile and continue to stare at her.


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