(14) The Funerals

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While you guys are reading, you should play the song Touch by Sleeping At Last. It makes the chapter 10x more sad.

(Skips to the funerals)

~ Kayla POV ~

A couple of weeks have passed and today are the funerals. Everyone from Crystal's family and her brother all the way to my dad's family members were there. Even Jared and Addison was there.

The funeral was done beautifully. I knew that Crystal and my dad would've loved it. Her brother was so heartbroken. He stood by Jared's side the whole time. I stayed with my mother the whole time.

I held her hand the whole time and hugged her side. When everyone gave us our condolences, I couldn't help but break down. Crystal has been my best friend since birth and my dad has been there ever since my mom was heartbroken and pregnant with me.

After the funeral, we headed to the grab yard and had their caskets all next to each other. They may not be my blood, but they are way much more than blood to me. My brother, dad, and my best friend would be laying beside each other.

When the services were over, it was only Addison and I standing there alone. Then the rain slowly started to come down and it then pours. I didn't have an umbrella and neither did Addison. We stood in the rain in silence.

"Kayla, I just want to say that I'm so sorry. I didn't want any of this to happen." He speaks up.

I turn around and face him. I scoff and give him a dirty look.

"You know that this could've happened so don't hand me that bullshit. You knew from the moment you joined the gang that this could happen if I got involved. Now that it did happen, you wanna take it all back? It's too late to take it back ok!? They are gone! And there's nothing you can do to change that."

He sighs and just watches me explode. I sob hard as the rain gets harder and harder.

"I know you are hurt right now Kayla, but so am I. I lost the two people that I cared deeply for. But I'm still here, pushing forward. I hope you can do that too. I'm giving the gang up. I'm moving forward with my life. You should too." With that, he walks away.

I sigh and stay for another 5 minutes before walking back home. Why does these things happen to me?

~ Addison POV ~

I had to walk away. She would never forgive me. I took away the two people she loved the most. Jared doesn't even speak to me anymore. He said that he needed to be alone and be there for Kyle.

I walked into my car and I sighed before breaking down. I had screwed up everything. They shouldn't be the ones in caskets. I should be the one lying under 6ft of dirty.

After 5 minutes, I calmed down and drove to the bar. As soon as I got inside, everyone had their eyes on me. I would too if you saw a guy who looks like he's been through hell walk in.

I ignored the glares and sat down on a stool and waited for my cousin to come out. Then right on cue, he comes out and hugs me. I hug him back and he leads me to his office. Oh I forgot to mention that he owns the bar.

I sit down in the couch and he sits across from me in a leather chair. I sigh and throw my head back.

"I'm sorry for everything that has happened Addison." He says in his deep British accent.

"Thanks man." I look up at him and say. Then a black guy runs in and looks at my cousin and then looks at me. Once his eyes are on me, he keeps them on me.

"What do you want Xavier?" My cousin says in shock. Wait, that name rings a bell somewhere. He finally looks away from me and back at my cousin.

"I'm looking for a guy name Addison."

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