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*July 2017*

Alex's POV: 

"Kara, let me in please!" I said as I knocked on the door for the eighth time. I sigh and decided that the only way I was gonna get in was by using my key. I pull out the key and open the door. I walk in and I see her. God, I hate seeing her like this. She was on the couch, wrapped around a blanket, watching 'Funny Face'...again. I walk over and sit down next to her. 

"That key's for emergencies only..." Kara said quietly. 

"Well this looks like an emergency to me. Kara please just talk to me. I get that you're hurting but it's been 7 you need someone to talk to? Have you considered therapy? I'm sure I could find someone at the DE-"

"Alex, stop! There's nothing wrong with me I just need time!" Kara exclaimed angrily as she got up. 

"How much more time do you need?! Look, I get it. He was the love of your life-"

"Not was Alex, is! He is the love of my life and he left unexpectedly. We didn't even get to say goodbye properly because I was worried about him dying! You don't get it, Alex. You don't know what it feels like to send the love of your life away. You don't know what it feels like saying 'I love you' for the first time and not being able to say it again! You don't know what it feels like to come home after sending him away and finding his clothes and belongings everywhere and not having the heart to get rid of them because they're the only thing you have left of him!" Kara yelled intensely. She was sobbing and was trying to wipe away her tears. 

I didn't know what to say. She had never lashed out at me like that before and at that moment, I didn't know if there was anything that I could say that would make her feel better. 

"Kara, I know that I will never know what that feels like but you can't shut everyone out. Mon-El would want you to move on and be happy! He wouldn't want you to stop having fun or stop enjoying life. You know that the last thing Mon-El would want is for you to stop yourself from living because of him! And I know, what happened must've broken you...but this has also made you stronger. So please, let me in..." 

I looked at Kara and I saw her face completely change. I don't know what I said but it worked. She calmed down and sat next to me. 

"You-you're right. I'm sorry I lashed out at you. I just feel so...empty. I know Mon-El wouldn't want me to be sulking everyday. I have to stop feeling sorry for myself and get my shit together." Kara said as she put her head on my shoulder. I rubbed her back and said, 

"Ok so let's start right now. You go take a shower. I'll clean up here. And we're going out next week. No discussion." 

"What? Where?" Kara said, unsure about going out. 

"Well, not the alien bar. But...a bar." I assured her. 

* * *

Kara's POV:

We just walked into a random bar I've never been to before. I can't believe Alex convinced me to go out. I should've just stayed home. Maybe it's too soon? 

"Hey, lighten up! We're supposed to have fun!" Alex reminded me. 

"Alex, I can't even get drunk here!" I said with a laugh. 

"Who said anything about getting drunk? Just enjoy the music, have some food!" My sister said. I laughed. I missed spending time with her.

Alex got us some drinks and we started catching up. We laughed and talked for what seemed like hours. Alex and I were in the middle of a conversation about when our next game night was going to be when she looked away, gasped, and jumped up. 

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