All about the jams

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Previously on
My Girlfriends Brother,
I love jungkook,
I told Taehyung I loved him.
After a hot steamy session in the car, they both are conflicted. Adding to the pressure, Jungkook has yet to find out why his sister was still in town. Keep reading, luvs

A\N: yes i know its cheesy but go with it my inner wanna be told me to do it.

Jungkook POV:

It was the next day from our, how should I say? Interesting date? No... mhm embarrassing date? Thats sounds more like it. From Tae and I's embarrassing date, well mostly embarrassing because of me.

Obviously it was school day, and even though i dont have any classes with Tae, I was sure that he would try and approach me and try to confront me about last night. Im so embarrassed to show my face. Should i wear a hoodie all day? No, even if i did he knows what my backpack looks like. In attempts to avoid Taehyung i searched my whole room for another backpack, but all i could find was a mini torn up jansport one.

"This'll have to do."

I continue in the efforts of avoiding Taehyung, and put all of my stuff into this jankity bag that i found under piles and piles of clothes.

"Hope i dont get bullied."

"Jungkook, breakfast is ready!" I hear my mom yell from downstairs.

I still have to talk to my mom and dad about what really happened. Its all such a blur. Especially Alex.

I make my way downstairs and onto the chairs of the dining table, with a plate of eggs and bacon awaiting me.

"Oh my god, Jungkook."

I look up in curiosity, seeing my mom looking at me with a face of terror. "What?!" I asked scared as fuck.

"What the hell are you wearing?"
I sigh with relief, dropping my spoon on my plate with a loud *clank*

"What do you mean, whats wrong with the all black look?" I asked standing up.

"Im not talking about that I'm talking about your deranged backpack. Who's grave did you dig up to get that? Hehe." She said picking up my plate and cleaning it off.

"Haha very funny mom."

Is it really that bad, well shit i cant help it. I don't want to see Tae.

"Oh dear, its 7:30. We better get a move on we dont want you to be late." My mom says, breaking my train of thought.

"Yeah lets hurry, I don't want to be late again."

Flashback to yesterday in art class -

I walked in late as fuck because of dumb Taehyung, since the door was locked obviously, i had to knock for someone to open it.

"Who's the degenerate that is late on the first day of school?!"

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck me!

Im already anxious enough, why does my art teacher sound like a douche.

"Im just messing with you." My teacher says opening the door, as he smiles and pats my back.

"Well shit am i glad." I smile like I'm constipated

A piece inside of me felt like he wasn't joking.

My Girlfriends Brother ; kth.jjkWhere stories live. Discover now