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He's at the doorstep, covered in snow. (Ha. Snow.)

He's fuming.

"Had to hitchhike again, didn't you?" I comment, closing the door behind me.

He huffs. "We're doing this again?"

"You thought everything would be okay? Crowley, you're thick, Snow."

He groans in frustration and takes a few steps towards me. I block him. "You're dirty."

"Then spell me!"

I cast, "Clean as a whistle!" halfheartedly, in turn making the spell only half work.

It pisses Snow the hell off.

"You—you really think you're so—so—"

"Use your words, Snow."

(He hates it when I say that.)

(That's why I say it.)

He growls and grabs me by the throat.

(I think he's going to strangle me to death.)


Then he shoves his face into mine, brushing his mouth against my lips, but he doesn't kiss me. "Basilton, I hate you so much," he says in a low voice.

(I swear, I shiver when he says my full name.)

"I hate that you're—that you're so slick and so cruel and so perfect, and I can't live without you!"


And then he's actually kissing me, I think, and I'm trying to kiss him back, but he pushes back so desperately that I let him take control.

(We're not together anymore?)

"Simon," I murmur. "We're . . ."

He pulls his head away from me, his hand still around my throat.

"Right," he says and turns around, quickly walking down the steps.


He stops.

"You can't just do that and walk away. Why did you even come here?"

"What do you want?"

"We need to talk. Come inside."

(Because I need you here, now that I have you.)

He turns around. "Baz . . . Just— just go date some vampire boy, all right? I don't even know why you want me!"

"I wouldn't want anyone but you, Snow," I say calmly. (I'm not calm.) "Come inside."

He huffs loudly and follows me inside.

I ignore Mordelia's glares as I lead Snow up the stairs and past a few hallways into my room.

Snow shuts the door. "What?" he demands.

I sit on my bed.

(How am I supposed to tell him that he's immortal?)


He takes a step forward.

"I don't know how to say . . ."


I look him dead in the eyes. "Look. I know why you weren't Turned."

He narrows his eyes.

"You were already . . . Crowley, Snow, this is impossible to tell you. Just— you're— you're not mortal, Simon. You don't need to drink blood to stay alive because you're already alive forever."

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