Faithfully trusting

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"Father." The voice of the beautiful woman was strong. It was the voice of a warrioress. "What, my child?" "I will go to the temple till dawn. Then we ride." Gandalf glances at the Princess. She was truly going to pray?
"I will pack her bags, then join her." Lungorthin supports Airen who sends him a mildly thankful look. "I am glad that you are so faithful towards those that made us, Airen, but war is coming." "I did not ask for permission. I said I will go. The gods are waiting for me. And we both do know that if you try and make the guards hold me back I will have one of the balrogs tear down the gate for me and leave with them." The king casts a harsh, cold glance at his daughter. "I would say I am surprised at your impolite and ill mannered disrespect but I am not. Sadly." The woman turns. Her brother places his hand on her shoulder and her eyes soften just the slightest bit. "I will meet you there." With a swift nod she leaves the hall. "You will have to get used to my older sisters habits.. She is a very short tempered personality and she will use violence to get what she wants. And with the Balrogs liking her best she is probably the most feared and admired person of our entire race." Gandalf glances at the young looking man. "And you are not." "Very ill befitting our names, right?", Lungorthin says with a chuckle. "Do not speak to her without me present and you should make it to Imladris unharmed. And do not follow us into the temple. Airen likes not to be disturbed by anyone there. Oss. Take the wizard to one of the guestrooms so he may rest up." The youngest of the family nods and gestures for Gandalf to follow him. He does.

Airen sits before the altar of the fallen valar.
"My lord I request your strength and determination for I have a quest to fulfill. The world will go to war once more. Please stand by my side and guide my hand so that my flames burn even brighter and let every enemy be blinded and burn.", she says and takes the ritual knife. Cutting into her arm she let's a few sizzling hot drops of blood drip onto the sacrificing altar. "I call for you, my creator, hidden behind a veil of darkness that surrounds this world of ours. I call out to you, Lord Melkor, Lord Morgoth, in every name still known to my peoples tongue."

Lungorthin watches his sister from the shadows and he watches as the shrouds of darkness swallow her, obscure her from view and muting her voice to those outside. His sister was one of those who only took to praying to one of their three creators. And she took to praying to darkness. And Melkor or Morgoth had answered every time she did, since she was a child. It had been unheard of and he was more than shocked to find out. He had earned himself a still painful punch in his face when he had first followed her and talked into her prayer, interrupting the ritual. Oftentimes he found himself worrying for his sister. She had grown to have an even shorter, more heated temper. Easy to boil over and had to cool down. But her power too had increased and the Balrogs listened to her every command like bloodhounds to their one and only master. She felt well. That was what mattered. Or at least she told him she did. But there was no lie in her eyes so he had accepted it.

With the first rays of light she rises again. Her eyes holding secrets he can not decipher.
"We shall ride. Right now." He nods and quickly follows her as she walks towards the stables while tying her hair up. Arriving there they are already being awaited by Oss and the wizard. "You are late." "Silence, wizard. If I already am late do not waste more time with your breath. We will have to stop by the Balrogs or they will try to follow me.", she says coldly, then guides out her horse. A steed with fur as grey as her hair. "Oss." The younger brother steps to her. "Yes, sister?" "Keep our home safe. Defend it by all means. And that includes everything. Orcs know no morals. No mercy. Neither shall we. This is our home. We shall fight for it." Oss nods his head and quickly steps into her arms. A gesture the woman apparently isn't too keen about. But still she embraces him as well and places a kiss on his hair. Then she jumps onto her steed and clicks her tongue. Lungorthin follows her and after them Gandalf follows.

Passing the gate they find themselves close to the Balrogs. The woman halts her made and hands the reigns to her brother.
With wide eyes the wizard watches as the woman walks up to the beasts and they kneel before her. "If we were to he attacked during my absence you have my permission to slaughter every enemy you can reach with all the cruelty you desire to use. If during my absence there are people trying to pull you onto our opponents side you have my permission to feast on their flesh. And if you feel my heart call for you, you have the permission to answer.", she says and then turns while the demons rise again and roar. They were ready for a war they would win.

Airen jumps onto her steed and rides ahead once more. Every gate being smoothly let down for them to pass through. And after more than an hour they ride out of the city of the grey and into the wild. "Keep close and follow me."
And that they do.

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