Chapter Thirty-Three

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Kakau placed the floor his anger seethed through him and hung heavily in the room. Emily sat with folded arms leaning against a wall. Their boss sat there calmly talking on his phone.

"How can we just sit here," Kakau said as their boss hung up and put the phone down. "They snuck in and destroyed everything. Those traitors should have been killed from the start,"

"Calm down, they will get what's coming to them but we should have been more careful. Kai and Xander were the best we had." He replied.

"He is right," Emily said. "We should have been better prepared."

Kakau clenched his fists and took a breath and sat down by Emily. "What's the plan?" He asked after a few moments of silence.

"We will call the others," Their boss said. "Once they get here we'll just go. No test runs, we'll just go and finish this."

"Yes, sir," Kakau and Emily said together bowing their heads.


A few days later...

The sons of Feanor rushed into the building and followed Alton through the halls. He led them to a door and stepped back, "Your brother and father are here." He said.

Maedhros looked at the door for a few moments as the twins and Curufin just rushed in followed by Celegorm. He looked at Alton and gave a nod of thanks and then followed his brothers. Fingon and Aegnor followed them along with Elliot. Yet, Maglor paused before walking through the door.

"Maglor?" Alton asked.

"I...need a moment," Maglor replied. Alton just nodded and went down the hall leaving Maglor standing there. He heard the happy greetings coming from the door but he just stood there.

"I know that look," A voice said from behind Maglor, he turned and saw Rowan standing there.

"Rowan. What are you doing here?" Maglor asked.

"I was called, come on, all the feanorians are together again. Therapy will be needed," Rowan replied. Maglor gave a light chuckle and looked to the door with a tense smile. Rowan put a hand on his shoulder and said, "What's wrong?"

Maglor gave a low sigh and said, "I never thought I would have my whole family again. I mean I did get through what happened before, I accepted what happened but now. Now that I have my family again...I do not think I can handle that loss again."

"You can," Rowan said. "I know you and you have been through more than most but you are strong. Whatever happens, you will be able to face and remember we may be immortal but we do know death. We can fear loss and experience any other emotion. So what you are feeling is normal and reasonable. Yet, know you can face it."

"Right," Maglor said taking a breath. He then looked at Rowan and shook his head. "I thought someone who's older will be wiser."

"Yeah, but I took a lot of time to learn about the mind and how to help it. Besides, Sigmund Freud was a pretty good teacher for it." Rowan said.

Maglor just rolled his eyes and said, "Come on, Elrohir. Let's just go see the rest of the family."

"I go by Rowan now," He replied with slight annoyance in his voice as he followed Maglor into the room joining the others. When Maglor walked into the room he saw his family spread surrounding Caranthir who was lying in a hospital bed connected to a heart monitor with an IV in his arm and his shoulder bandaged. His arm was in a slink laying gently against him. He did have a smile as his family was greeting each other. The most surprising thing was how his father looked, he had a sad look in his eye but he smiled as he hugged his sons and his nephews close to him.

"Atar," Maglor said softly as he stepped closer to him. Feanor looked up and stood up and hugged Maglor once he was close enough. Maglor smiled and stepped back, "Atar. I have so much to tell you...and you too Moryo." He said.

"Of course," Feanor said.

"Oh. I have someone to introduce to you...well all of you." He said. He gestured Elliot and Rowan over. "Everyone. These are...are my grandsons."

Once he said that everyone broke out into a flurry of questions. Since even when the two first met everyone they never truly introduced themselves no one knew who they were fully. Well, everyone didn't besides Maedhros who just stood there trying to hold in his laughter watching everyone's reaction. Rowan and Elliot did laugh and exchanged a look to each other as Maglor just tried to calm everyone down to explain himself.

From a short distance down the hall, Alton listened to the laughter and flurry of voices. He smiled and gave a nod towards the room. He then turned and went down the hall, leaving the family to be for the time being. It took him a few moments to reach an office where Xander was sitting in front of a laptop with a look of surprise spread on his face.

"What is it?" Alton asked.

"I got it or part of it," Xander said looking up at him. "Part of their plan why they needed Feanor at least and where they want to go."

Alton walked over and looked at Xander's computer that had a map up. He looked to Xander as he said, "Apparently without realizing it Feanor proved string theory and how to open a portal for it. They have a way to get to Valinor."

"Valinor?" Alton asked. He then chuckled and looked at Xander and said, "You and Kai are going to have another interesting mission."

"Wait, you want us to go there?" He asked.

"Well while we are trying to figure out the next part of their plan we still need to try to stop them. For good," Alton said. "You and Kai are the best choice to get there and back."

Xander gave a sigh and leaned back. "Right," He said. He looked over his shoulder to the couch that was facing away from him. "Kai. You heard everything?"

"I did," Kai said as she sat up from the couch. "I'll start planning the mission out, you get working on how to get there."

"Will do Kai," Xander said as she stood up and walked out of the room. Xander yawned and looked at Alton and said, "Hey. Do you think you can get me a large cup of pure espresso and Redbull with a cup of sugar?"

"How about an IV in your arm with adrenaline?" Alton said.

"Naw. I need the taste of death in my mouth to fully wake up," Xander said. Alton chuckled and patted his back. Xander looked back at Alton and said, "Wait a moment. How are Maglor and the others?"

"They are doing well, Rowan is here so he can help them before we explain everything more," Alton said.

"Good idea," He said. "Don't worry about Maglor and the twins will be fine if you explain everything to them."

"I figured but two parts maybe a bit hard," Alton said.

"Then let my sister explain and deal with them," Xander said. "She will be able to do it."

"Very well but I will do it later, they deserve a few days of peace before we pull them back into everything." He responded. Xander gave a nod and waved as he turned to his laptop and started working. Alton left the room and went down the hall. The first part was done but there was still a lot to do.

The End Of Part One

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