Chapter Seventeen

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Aegnor woke up and yawned stretching. Silmaril as normal was curled up by his head, he just got out of bed and showered and got dressed. He still found modern things amazing and realized how helpful they would have been during their time. Also, how dangerous they could have been. The thought of Feanor and any type of explosive was enough to make him shiver. He walked down the stairs and found Maglor going through something in his phone with a cup of coffee. Breakfast was laid out on the table and everything was set up. It had been nearly a month since they have gotten back from their adventure in Australia and since then everything had been normal. Or as normal as it can be with two immortal elves.

"Morning," Aegnor said.

"Morning," Maglor replied nodding at his cousin and putting down his phone. The morning went on as always and they both went to work as always. They came home and Maglor got dinner together. They ate and since Xander is a movie buff he came over and showed Aegnor a movie he just had to watch. After that, they just went to bed.

However, it was around midnight when Maglor's phone rang. Maglor half-asleep reached for the phone and saw it was Rowan. He picked up and asked, "Rowan? Why are you calling so late...or early depending on how you want to look at it?"

"Maglor. I am sorry it is late but we need to talk. This is very important," He said.

Maglor frowned as he heard the seriousness in Rowan's normally calm voice. "Rowan. What's wrong?" He asked.

"I do think it's a good idea to explain. I know have you done a lot of traveling this year but need to come here." Rowan said.

"Rowan? Are you alright? What's going on?" Maglor asked sitting up.

"I am fine but...this is important. Please just come here, Aegnor should come too. Just please this is not a request from me...rather someone is making this request." Rowan said.

"Alright. I'll be there by tomorrow," he replied.

"Good. I'll see you there," Rowan said and hung up. He checked by the flights and found two tickets that were heading to New York. He got them and then stood up going to wake up Aegnor. He knocked on his door and opened it to find Aegnor curled up in bed asleep with Silmaril sleeping by his head. He walked over and said, "Hey. Aegnor. Wake up."

Aegnor shifted and sat up his hair was a mess and he had a sleepy look on his face. "Wufts goings on?" He mumbled sleepily.

"Rowan called. It seems he needs to see both of us about something important." Maglor said.

"Now? What time is it?" He asked starting to wake up some and getting some coherence.

"Around midnight," Maglor replied.

"Do you think everything is okay?" Asked Aegnor as he sat up.

"I hope so," Maglor replied with a sigh. "I got us plane tickets for the first flight to New York,"

Aegnor nodded and got out of bed and started father things he needs. "What are you doing? You can go back to bed and get up in the morning." Maglor said.

"No. I know you say that but you will be sitting up in the kitchen until we are going to leave. I am not going to leave you to sit there staring at a wall." Aegnor said looking at him.

Maglor sighed and just nodded. He then got dressed and went to the kitchen and sat down. Aegnor soon joined him and got him a cup of coffee.


When they got to New York and Maglor rented a car. Aegnor gazed out the window as the drove, he wondered what they are doing here. He saw that Maglor's face looked worried and a bit concerned. He then sighed and leaned back. He looked out the window at the houses and closed his eyes for a moment.

He must have fallen asleep since when he opened his eyes they were in a more secluded area. They were in front of a house that looked like a simple house. Aegnor got out of the car with Maglor and walked up to the house. Maglor knocked on the door and there were running feet and the door flew open. A kid or rather elfling hugged Maglor. "Uncle Maglor! You're here!" She said grinning.

Maglor grinned and said, "Hey. Maya, how are you doing?"

"Really good," She said. Maya then looked at Aegnor and then backed Maglor.

"Maya. This is my cousin," Maglor said. Maya waved at him and said, "I'm Maya."

"I am Aegnor," He said and then looked at Maglor. He did not remember him as one to love kids. Maya lead them inside and called, "Dad! Magor is here!"

Within a few moments, Rowan walked into the hallway. "Thank you for coming,"

"Of course. What is wrong Rowan?" He asked.

"Let's talk in my office," Rowan said and turned to Maya. "I need to talk to them and take care of some things."

Maya nodded and then went off to the living room. Rowan then leads them into his office and he offered them a seat. They sat down and Rowan took a filed up from his desk and sat down across from them. "Maglor. I wanted to call you sooner about this but I was just making sure about this fact. Last week I was called in to check out a patient that was moved to a rehabilitation center. From what I understand this person was found an abandoned warehouse and was in horrible condition, they were in a coma for a few months and two weeks ago came out of it and they were well enough to be moved out. As I said they are at the rehabilitation center and they need a lot of help." Rowan said looking at the file.

"Rowan...what are you talking about?" Maglor asked. Rowan sighed and handed over the file. Maglor's breath was drawn in as he saw the file. He looked at it and looked at Rowan with wide eyes. "I can take you to the center...I think you should go, it'll be a good idea for you to go." Rowan replied softly.


They sat in a wheelchair gazing out the window, their eyes had a blank look in them as he gazed out the window. A soft knock sounded at the door and they looked up slightly as the door opened. A woman walked in with short blond hair and said, "Someone is here to see you."

A confused look came to the person's face as they looked to the door. Their eyes widened as their visitors walked into the room. Maglor just walked slowly over to them. He then asked softly "Nelyo?"

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