Chapter Thirty-Six

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Maglor coughed and groaned opening his eyes, Sarya and Xander were standing over him. Xander was holding a vile. "What in the world was that?" He asked sitting up as they move back.

"Smelling salt," Sarya replied as she took the vile and put it in a drawer. Maglor just nodded and rubbed his head. He looked around the room and saw Melkor had been moved but Mairon was still there. However, he was lounging calmly in a chair scrolling through a phone.

"What is he doing here?" Maglor asked a bit coldly.

"I am visiting her," Mairon said looking up and pointed at Sarya.

"Why?" He asked sending Xander a look. Xander just sighed and rubbed his face.

"Since I am marrying her," Mairon said putting his phone down. Maglor paused when he said that and turned to look at Mairon with a confused expression. "What?" He asked.

"I told you we should wait to tell him until he settled down with everything going on," Sarya said sending an eraser to hit him in the head.

Mairon dodged the flying object and said, "I was being polite."

"Polite? You?" Maglor asked. "After everything you did?"

"It's a work in progress," Sarya said. "Look, I know a lot and I am a good judge of character. I do know that the reason he did everything he did was because he was turned to Melkor's side. So, in retrospect, it was not all his fault."

"Look at is a Darth Vader type thing, he still has a 'some good in him'." Xander said causing both Sarya and Mairon to share a look and chuckle.

"Good in him?" Maglor asked in disbelief. "Did you know what he did to my brother? What he did to my nephew?"

"Yes, but I am pretty sure both my deaths paid for that," Mairon commented. "Besides if I am to get attacked over the fact of the past now, I am not the only one who should be."

Maglor opened his mouth and then shut it. As much as he hated to admit it, Mairon was right. If he was to get punished, that would mean it would mean the same for his family. "Why do you have to be right?" He asked bitterly.

"Since the universe has a funny sense of cruelty?" Offered Mairon.

Maglor just shook his head and said, "So. Answer this, you come back from the dead and then get married? I thought you would try to take power and rule again,"

"I was going to but she talked me out of it," Mairon said pointing behind him at Sarya. "She can be scarily convincing."

Sarya smiled and said, "I just gave him a reasonable choice."

"Along with a death threat," Mairon said.

"That too," She said with a smirk.

Maglor just sighed and made a mental note to speak with Rowan about this. He took a deep breath and said, "I trust Xander and if thinks your not a treat...then I trust it."

"Thank you," Mairon said with a nod.

"Not for you," Maglor said as he stood up. He looked at Xander and said, "Keep your eyes on him."

"He's marrying my sister, if he does anything I will make what he did look very merciful...than my sister will do a whole lot worse," Xander said.

"Also, you can relax. This time around I have almost none of my original ability," Mairon added as he held up a hand a soft glow forming but nothing more. "The most I can do is just keep a cup of coffee warm."

"What about the rest of your old abilities?" He asked.

"As I said, I can only do a very little bit. I am barely a threat. I am a changed man...or Maiar." Mairon replied.

"Right. Speaking of that you should then apologize for what you did to his family." Sarya said cutting into this conversation.

"Apologize?" Mairon asked.

"Yes. Apologize or else," She said narrowing her eyes and giving a glare that would have froze a Balrog. Mairon looked at her for a moment with a slight frown before turning to Maglor and bowing his head. "I am sorry."

"Being sincere," She added.

"I am very sorry...although I know a simple apology will not be enough," Mairon said as he straightened.

"You have that right," Maglor said. "Yet, thank you for that."

"How was that?" Mairon asked turning back to Sarya.

She gave a low hum before she said, "We'll work on that,"

"Work on it? I showed emotion. What do you want me to do? By them a card and gift basket?" Mairon asked. Maglor couldn't help but chuckle at that as Sarya giggled.

"Maybe," She said with a grin.

"Dear Eru you are impossible," Mairon sighed as he shook his head.

"I know," She said as she turned and went back to her work. Mairon stood up and walked over to her to say his goodbyes as Maglor turned to Xander.

"I should be getting back to my family," Maglor said.

"Right," Xander replied. "I'll see you-"

"That's insane," Sarya's voice cut it after a surprising curse.

"What?" Asked Xander as he and Maglor walked over to crowded around her computer along with Mairon. On the screen was some type of chart that was side by side with another.

"The reading on this," She said. "Elves, Man, and Maiar all have different DNA structures even by a slight percentage. So, I assume Valar are the same way. However, the sample of Melkor's blood is closer to that of an Elf or even just a normal human. It would be easier to see what happened once Xander is done with breaking the codes on the files he got from that place."

"Wait. So, somehow they changed a DNA structure?" Maglor asked.

"From the information I have that's about right," She replied. "With the right chemicals and maybe even some form of radiation it is possible."

"Did they do that to my father or my brother?" Maglor then asked instantly.

"From the first scan, I saw I do not think so," She said. "I will run both again to be sure and do some more searching but I think so."

"If he is like an elf or human dose that mean any of his power is intact?" Mairon asked.

"From what I see and guess, that'll be a no," Sarya answered.

"So. he's harmless right now?" Mairon asked.

"Guess so, still going to keep him under lock and key," Xander said.

"Wise choice, I may kill him if I see him again." He said.

"In that case, I think you should let him kill him," Maglor said.

"Hey. I am all for killing the guy but we still need him alive. Once we figure everything out then I have no issue with it." Sarya said. Xander looked at his sister and chuckled. "Ah. My little sister, brilliant in forensics, slightly sadistic and ready to send anyone to their death. I am so proud of you."

Mairon laughed but Maglor gave Xander a slightly strange look and said, "Here I thought my family was crazy."

"Yeah. My sister and I are insane," Xander said. "How we stayed alive this long,"

"That and we are smart. Now everyone out of my lab while I look into this more." She said turning and doing a shooing motion. Everyone turned and headed to the door but Mairon stopped to talk to her as the others left. Maglor headed down the hall to stay with his family while Xander and Mairon went down the hall in the other direction. Maglor's head was buzzing with everything that just happened. He would definitely need to talk with Rowan soon. 

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