The Morning Of

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"Dare?" Tegan whispered to the naked man sleeping next to her.

"Hm," he grunted opening his eyes slowly. She laid on her side using her elbow to prop herself up.

"Are you nervous?" She asked. Her own anxiety filling her body.

"No," he grunted rolling over to look at her. His arm rested under his head as he looked at her. "Are you?" Her eyes searched his.

"A little," she mumbled. Her small fingers traced the tattoo on his chest.

"Why?" His question threw her off guard. What did he mean why? Did he not realize they could all die? Did he not realize she could lose him? Did he not realize that she could lose the only flesh and blood she has left in this god forsaken world? "Ain't nothin' goin' to happen to us."

"Its not just us I'm worried about. Negan is my brother Daryl. I know hes done bad things, but that doesn't change that fact," Tegan said as she could feel tears stinging at her eyes. Daryl placed a hand on the naked girls hip and pulled her close to him.

"We will work this out," he whispered to her before placing his lips tightly against hers. His fingers wiped the tears away from her face.

"How much time do we have?" Tegan asked biting her bottom lip seductively.

"Enough," Daryl chuckled rolling on his back. Tegan climbed on top of him. Slowly kissing down his neck and chest. As she made her way past his stomach, her finger tips danced on all his scars.

Her lips found his big cock. It didn't take Daryl long to grow to his full length as she took all of him inside her mouth. His groans pleased Tegan.

After a few minutes of sucking, she wanted more. Crawling her way back up his chest, she lowered herself down onto him. He filled her up completely.

"Fuck," she groaned having to get use to his size, like always. His hands gripped her waist helping her move up and down ontop of him. Her hands were placed on his chest.

Daryl glanced down to watch him go in and out of her pussy slowly. He loved the fact that he could pleasure her like this. He also loved that he was the only one pleasuring her like this.

"Hey, Daryl-" a mans voice came from the doorway. "Oh god! Gross!"

"Get the fuck out!" Daryl yelled at the young Asian boy standing in the doorway. Glenn quickly exited the room and shut the door.

"Oh my god!" Tegan exclaimed covering her face with her hands.

"What a boner killer," Daryl groaned as Tegan climbed off of him.

"I can't believe that just happened," she grumbled into her hands.

"Want to finish?" Daryl asked climbing on top of her.

"Go lock the door first," she said smacking his chest. Her eyes followed his naked body to the door and then back to her.

Daryl placed his hands between her thighs, spreading her legs wide. She let out a gasp as two wet fingers slid inside her. His tounge danced on her clit, making her squirm.

"Daryl," she moaned gripping onto the back of his head and pulling him closer to her. She felt herself nearing the end when he pulled away causing an ache to travel through her body. The ache didn't last long because before she could say anything he flipped her over onto stomach. He gripped her hips and lifted her ass into the air.

"Fuck," he grunted as he found her entrance. Tegan shoved her face into the pillow as her hands gripped tightly onto the bed sheets. The head board smacked against the wall and the bed creaked. It wasn't long until they both finished.

"Fuck, Daryl," she groaned, rolling over on her back.

"I love you," he said as he lay over top of her, sweat dripping down his face. Tegan looked deep into his ocean blue eyes before smiling.

"I love you too," she said rubbing her hands down his sides.

The pair got dressed and made their way outside. Glenn and Maggie were standing by their trailer talking. Rick, Abraham, and Carl had went back to Alexandria to gather more people and guns. They would meet the other four there.

"Hey guys!" Tegan said, walking up to Glenn and Maggie.

"I can never look at you two the same ever again," Glenn mumbled wiping a hand down his face.

"You shoulda known better then to just come barging in," Daryl said throwing a hand up.

"You should have had the door locked!" Glenn countered.

"Now, now gentleman. No reason to fight," Tegan teased the two arguing men.

"So, are you two like a real thing then?" Maggie whispered to Tegan as the boys continued to argue.

"I think so. I mean he told me he loved me this morning," Tegan said with a shrug. Maggie's jaw dropped.

"What?" She asked a little loud.

"We told each other that we love one another," the redhead said with a blush.

"I would've never thought I would hear those words come out of Daryl Dixon's mouth," Maggie grinned watching her husband and Daryl go back and forth.

"Guys, Rick had asked if we could do him a favor before he left," Jesus approached the group.

"What is it?" Tegan asked crossing her arms over her chest.

"So with the plan we worked up, we need a head. One that looks like Gregory's," he explained.

"Let's just use Gregory's," Tegan growled. Maggie placed a hand on the young girls shoulder.

"We will find one," she said with nod. Tegan rolled her eyes.

The four made their way to the front gate with knives and guns hooked to their waists. Daryl and Tegan each had their crossbows flung on their backs.

They set off on foot, making their way to the woods. Everything was quiet. They could barely hear the chatter back at the camp.

"We need to find a couple to chose from," Glenn said looking around. Daryl nodded in agreement.

"Theres a house down this way," Maggie told them. She pointed down a small path.

"How did you know that?" Tegan asked her.

"Glenn and I took a stroll the other night when we couldn't sleep," she said.

"Right," Tegan smirked, knowing they were looking for somewhere new to fuck.

The house was a small cabin like structure. It had four windows and only one door. Daryl hopped up the front steps and searched through the front window.

"See anything?" Glenn asked.

"Nah, it's too dusty," Daryl replied. He tried the door handle, but it was locked. "Doors locked."

"So what do we do?" Tegan asked placing a hand on her hip. Before anyone could suggest anything, Daryl started stomping on the door. After three hard kicks it flung open. Daryl searched the house with Glenn right on his heels.

"It's clear," Daryl said as they walked out to the girls.

"Damn," Maggie whispered.

"I still just think we should use Gregory's head. Wouldn't be much of a loss," Tegan mentioned. Daryl jumped off the steps and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"I know, me too," he whispered, before continuing to walk through the woods. Maggie and Glenn watched the other couple as they stayed close to each other.

"Can you believe this? Daryl Dixon. In love. With a nice girl, too!" Glenn said to his wife.

"Everyone needs love, Glenn," Maggie told him. Glenn smirked at her and they both new what the two in front of them were feeling.

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