Ch. 18: Too Much Fun Angers the Wolf

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"Just a little nudge to the left, Al... And Perfect!" Y/n exclaimed as she guided Alastor in placing the cloth of decoration to the walls, after all he was taller than her and quite possible that he had inisted this because he was too gentlemanly. It was seemingly that the deer and the wolf demon had been having their fun in decorating and being alone for themselves.

Alastor was kind enough to have summoned a jukebox that played a mix of some electro swing and jazz—nothing that made Y/n complain since she did like listening to it. The radio demon was also enjoying himself seeing the female stumble from time to time because of the strings on the ground, well, now that Y/n had noticed how much of a hassle it was she had to organise it. Well, Alastor did purposely scatter a few things and even made her trip once in a while, he was quite entertained by her unintentional clumsiness.

The wolf demon, Y/n, had also started to call Alastor by Al, only because he asked for it, but she was quite too used in calling him by Alastor, making herself say sorry and saying Al. Of course, it made the radio demon laugh and chuckle at it. She had also somewhat grown a little bit comfortable in his pressence as they were sometimes joking around and/or dancing.

Y/n now was holding a chandilier like decoration, courtsey of Alastor actually making it. It was a beautiful piece of art that even Y/n couldn't believe the radio demon was capable of. Now, she was on top of the tall ladder that reached the cieling, she was ready to put it there now that strings of ribbons and cloth were pinned to the center, making a makeshift colorful cieling and the chandelier. As she put the chandlier on, she was happy and glad, however the unexpected was the ladder waddled, making her lose her balance.

A gasp and a scream escaped her lips as she closed her eyes, awaiting the hard impact on the cold and tiled floor. It would be fine if she fell, she knew that a hieght from that would either break her bones or kill her. Then again, if she died, where would she go? She is already in hell, there can't possibly be another place to go when you're double dead.

She waited, however, there was no impact, or the sound of shattering bones, or the coldness of the floor. Instead, she only felt the warmth of arms that held her. Opening her eyes, she was face to face with no other than, Alastor. "Haha, I must say you are quite an entertainment, my dear. However, you should be careful, you're lucky I had caught you in time; why if I hadn't you'd be bleeding on the tile floor, and I wouldn't mind the scent and the color blood." Alastor had said, his voice faded into a dark tone at the last sentence; sending a shiver to her spine and the light buzz in her head, although Alastor reverted back to being as normal as he could be. Y/n had muttered a thank you, embarassed at her own failure, but was glad she was still alive, or was it dead?

"Now, next time if you want something hung on a very high wall, ledge, or cieling, do call for me, darling." The radio demon suggested as he set Y/n down with, possibly, a kind smile. Y/n could only nod at the suggestion, however she somehow felt that her face was burning up. Hopefully it wont be too obvious, seeing her skin is very pale in her demonic form.

Despite her thoughts, it was obvious Alastor had noticed her blush, in fact it actually brings him joy. Sure, one may call it playing with one's feelings, but who would care? This is hell, the most chaotic place in existence one soul can land in. Surely. He grinned and told the poor blushing demon to go ahead and rest for a bit. She was hesitant at first, but with a reassuring gesture and note from Alastor, she calmly, and reluctantly left the room.

Y/n had planned to go to the food hall, where her friends were assigned to clean the damn thing. She proceeded, however to her dismay, she did not know where it was. She cant ask Charlie, since Vaggie said she just went to take a short nap, neither did Y/n had the time to ask Vaggie since she too was in a hurry. The wolf demon devised a way to get to her friends—and the idea popped in her head like a light bulb lighting a dark room. She sniffed out a scent that was unusual, being that Y/n was now noticing the dread smell of hell and its inhabitants; in fact she hadn't noticed if she hadn't thought of it. Out of the unusual was the scent of comfort, a scent that was not in the right place; it was sweet, so she followed the scent, only to be led to another room. There, she found her friends, having so much fun with Angel Dust.

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