Ch. 24: A not Very Pleasant Night In the Dark

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After a little commotion between Y/n and Alastor, Y/n was finally, well, forcibly convinced to go out in a dinner night with Alastor. Y/n argued with him and lost her temper, but Alastor remained incredibly calm and spoke his end of the arguement, and making Y/n agree. Of course, if it weren't for the agreement the both spoke of, none of this would've happened, as Alastor was too much of a man of his word.

"Fucking deer..." Y/n mumbled under her breath as she put on the dress prepared by Alastor himself. She wasn't really fond of dresses as it never was her type of style, however she never hated dresses either. The dress(pic in media) was stylish, and Y/n liked the design, yet remembering that she had to wear with Alastor only made the dress look sour to her taste.

"Need help, my love?" A voice startled her as she turned to face the man withan irritated sigh. Well, she could've just asked Charlie, Vaggie, or Angel Dust to help her withthe dress. The corset was easy to put on, but tying the ribbon on her back wasn't. "Uh... From you? No. Get the hell outa' here-- Dont come any closer!?" Y/n shouted as she saw Alastor come closer to her. Of course she backed away and while she did, she called for Angel, who was the first person that came into mind.

"Angel!!" Upon that immidiate call, Angel Dust came bursting into the room as worried because the sound of Y/n shouting his name sounded like she was on the verge of death. "What is it?!" Angel Dust asked in a worried shout. Y/n was still telling Alastor to back away but of course, in the Radio Demon's mindset was teasing her. Angel Dust on impulse pounded onto the deer demon in a fit rage, sort of, but before he did, he thought was acting a bit kinky. "What is it you needed, sugar?" Angel Dust asked sweetly as he stood up from toppling over Alastor. He strode towards Y/n and softly and gently caressing her cheeks.

"Thank fucking hell you came..." The female sighed in relief as her heartbeat calmed down. "I need help with my dress... Please, Alastor just go and wait outside, dammit!" Before Alastor left the room, he chuckled enthusiastically. Angel Dust then proceeded to help the female with her dress, tying the ribbon behind her back and actually helping her with her shoes, which were black vintage saddle shoes; presummably were famous in the 20's considering Alastor's taste of things.

Angel Dust looked at Y/n with confusion written on his face. The female seemed to not notice how he was staring, and the arachnid immidiately knew she was thinking deeply. "Y/n babe? Ya alright?" He asked as he held her arms with his lower ones, his one hand on her cheek and the other lifting her head up. Y/n snapped out of her thoughts and smiled sadly.

"I'm fine..."

"No you aren't... Just... Give me a call alright? If something comes up I'll rush in with my friend, Cherry Bomb." Angel Dust comforted as he hugged the shorter demon. After the little lovely moment, Angel Dust walked Y/n out of the room and to Alastor. Alastor wore something matching to Y/n's clothes, and to be completely honest, she wasn't sure how to react.

The two bid farewells to the rest as they left the hotel, the wolf demon walking alongside the deer demon. Well, you can guess, while they were walking the sidewalk, every demon either ran away or hid when they saw Alastor, however, creepily as Y/n noticed, he was unfazed by how others acted towards him. It may to the fact that he was either used to it considering he lived here in hell for 87 years, or he just is very sadistic? Nonetheless, she should try not to get on his bad side, she may have already triggered him twice today. Another wont be as pleasant as it is with the previous ones.

"Umm.." Y/n called out, but she never even knew what to say. The astmosphere was suffocatingly silent, maybe striking a conversation was on impulse. Oh how she woshed Alastor wouldn't respond and carry on, but that was not the case. Alastor responded with a hum and question, "Yes, my dear?" Unknowingly, he snaked his arm around her waist, making her yelp when he pulled her close. Y/n didn't know why, but when she looked around, the place they were in wasn't brightly lit like the rest of Pentagram city; the place was rather dark and earie. If she hadn't noticed, she wouldn't even feel the suffocating pressure and aura of the air around them, it was as if the place was filled with the deadliest people—and in fact it was.

"W-where--" Alastor didn't answer her question, nor did he let her finish it. Instead, they steadily quicked pace, and Y/n felt Alastor's grip tightened around. "Act normal, my dear. The people here will torture you because of your sense of fear." He whisphered lightly, knowing Y/n would hear him. Y/n looked worried but shook it away as she followed what Alastor said; hopefully it wouldn't be as bad as before. Out of her worry to get hurt or maybe to experience this second death before she could send her friends back, she held onto Alastor. She was obviously shaking, now that the people around them started to crowd—and they were all staring at them.

In Alastor's thoughts, he was quite liking how much dependent she is now. Her worry and sudden vulnerability only, instead of worrying for her safety, made him feel pleased. He took note to bring her here another time, maybe at a time more worse? He'd like to see how she'd react.

His grin didn't falter, and his gaze was nowhere but forward. Y/n's however was gazed to the ground, which she wished she didn't. The ground, rather road, they were walking on was filled with pools of blood, debris, or maybe some flesh, body parts, or organs. It was a disgusting sight. Alastor didn't seem to be affected by the unruly sight, maybe it was the fact he was practially a murderer and a cannibal(Y/n didn't know the fact he was a cannibal). Y/n, on the other hand, didn't like it as much, but didn't hate it either way. This was hell, maybe true hell.

"Where are we heading...?" She spoke lightly, as it seemed she didn't even open her mouth if the viewers weren't as keen enough to watch her every move.

"Trust me my dear. Trust me, and dont worry." Alastor replied in a low whispher as well. Y/n still couldn't trust him fully, but maybe she'll have to trust him a bit. That trust will have to stand tall, incase something happens, she trust Alastor would get them out of it. Hopefully.

Half an hour later, they finally reached their destination. It wasn't brightly lit as the windows were darkly tinted. They took no time and entered the place, what greeted them was something Y/n was awefully suprised.


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