1| Congratulations should be in order

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"Beatrice, what I'm trying to say is, will you marry me?" His hands start to tremble and I know I have to answer soon or he'll faint from lack of blood flow. I can't help but look into his eyes; they've started to twinkle with tears, or from the fancy light dangling from the ceiling above us that may be reflecting onto them. I pray it's the latter. I glance over his shoulder at the people sitting around us in the restaurant, all waiting for my response as if what I say could somehow alter their lives. I cautiously look down at him from my seated position, he's on one knee, on the ground, and I hope that my face isn't showing how upset I am at his proposal. I smile - at least I think I do and bend to hug him. Everyone claps, not knowing that I hadn't said yes. But it doesn't seem to matter. My hug had been expressed differently than anything my face portrayed.

"Congratulations," I hear an elderly lady whisper as she passes me, her arm entwined in her husband's. My lip twitches into a forced and awkward smile. The whole dinner he smiles at me and holds my now weighted hand. I can't help but stare and pick at my food. My appetite had suddenly vanished.

"What's wrong, did you want to order something else?" He asks, his voice laced with concern. I look up at him alarmed.

"Oh no, I'm just too shocked to eat now," I smile, trying to convince him, and he smiles back.

This is what I wanted right?

"We can get something to take it home in," He suggests, pointing toward the untouched food on my plate. I nod appreciatively and he makes a gesture to the blond waitress hovering in the back corner.


The ride home is awkward, at least for me it was, he was chatting away about our future when the wedding would be, all the stuff I was hoping he'd wait to discuss. I tune him out and nod every so often. Some time in the middle of his rambling I feel his hand squeeze my hand and I feel my heart momentarily falter in my chest.

The trees are blowing back and forth in a sort of ritualistic dance that seemed unnatural even for nature itself. I stared closer outside my window, the gloomy, thick sky evidence of bad weather to come.


"Ryan, I think I might go to bed," I call out once we arrive home, faking a yawn. Standing by the entrance to the downstairs sitting room I step out of my heels and then pace into the kitchen. Opening the white cupboard I reach for a glass and turn towards the fridge. Ryan follows close behind and massages my shoulders as I sip on the cold fridge water.

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