2| Road Trips

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"I would have come with you," He sighs, shaking his head, "This meeting just can't be cancelled, I feel terrible about it,"  He says guiltily as he loads Mable and I's suitcases into my car with as much effort as it takes to lift a water cup

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"I would have come with you," He sighs, shaking his head, "This meeting just can't be cancelled, I feel terrible about it," He says guiltily as he loads Mable and I's suitcases into my car with as much effort as it takes to lift a water cup. He closes the boot and circles around the car to the driver's window, leaning his head through the threshold of the car window.

"I know. It's okay," I say, truly meaning it because I wouldn't have wanted him to come anyways. The thought of him rummaging through my old stuff made my skin crawl.

He looks behind my seat and grins at Mable who's arranging her stuff around her carseat even though I had already done it for her, "Be good for your Mommy, okay?" She bobbles her head up and down and waves from her car seat. I give him a kiss and he pats the hood of the car and waves as I back out the driveway and onto the street.


The drive is long and full of Mable and I making animal noises as we pass by them. She squeals and claps her hands when we drive by a field of horses.

"Mommy it's just like the mwovies" she yells pointing towards one with dark hair. I glance out the window at the horse that had now been joined by it's two friends.

"Yeah, just like the movies" I whisper, looking through my rearview mirror at her, a big and finally happy smile on my face.

When we enter the city the sun starts to shine a little bit brighter and the grass stands a little bit taller. It feels as if there was a magic line like in "Once Upon A Time" but instead of trapping the residents it trapped positive energy. It didn't feel that way when I first left, maybe the saying is true. The grass is always greener on the other side.

The people on the sidewalk curiously look up at the car as we drive by, clearly not used to people coming in and out like that.

Coaster was the kind of town everybody wanted to leave but could never bring themselves to. I felt like an imposter; Leaving them all behind the way I did. I close my hands tighter against the wheel, now wasn't the time to think about the past. Instead of continuing down the straight road to Hospital St. I pull into the grocery store parking lot and climb out to unbuckle Mable from her car seat. "Mommy, this isn't memaw's," Mable whines as I lift her up and place her on the gravel.

"I know sweet pea, just had to stop and get something." I smile down at her as she grabs my hand and swings it back and forth with more power than I thought she was capable of. I look up at the building and see the same one that was standing there three years ago. Buster and Daisy's Flower and Grocery. When I open the door a small bell rings. I look around the store from the entrance not seeing anybody at the counter.

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