17| In honour

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"I'm sure you'll find it later, Tris

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"I'm sure you'll find it later, Tris." Ryan groaned, placing his head on the cool island counter.

"You don't understand," I said, rummaging through the brown packing boxes. "I need it."

I couldn't see him but I already knew he was rolling his eyes. I didn't expect him to know why I needed a cookbook if I barely cooked.

"I'll go buy you another one," He says, picking up his car keys from the fruit bowl by the fridge.

"You can't replace something like that," I say, shaking my head at him like he was an idiot, "you can't just buy me another one." I kick one of the boxes and plop down onto the couch, ready to cry over the missing book.

I hear Ryan's keys drop back into the bowl, and then his footsteps approaching the couch.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" He whispers, crouching down beside me.

I look up at him just for a moment, deciding whether or not I trusted him with the information. I had been with Ryan for two and a half years now but  sometimes the memories were still too raw to talk about. "My Dad." I whispered, "My Dad and a ...friend.." I struggled to keep my breathing even, "They picked it out for my birthday." I managed, hoping that that would be enough for him to understand how important the book was to me.

"Okay then, I'll help you look for it." I closed my eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you," I whispered. He brushed away the hair from my eyes and kissed the top of my head before setting to work on the stacks of boxes piled in the living room.


When I woke up again, a soft crochet blanket was wrapped around me and the lights had been switched off. I sat up, stretching out my back before making my way to the kitchen.

"Ryan?" I called, opening our bedroom door. The room was empty. "Mabel?" I called instead, going to her bedroom to see if they were in there. They weren't. Panicked I rushed back to the kitchen to call them on the phone.

I picked up the landline and dialled his number pacing in front of the fridge as I waited for it to ring. Voicemail.

"Hey, Ryan, I woke up and you guys were gone. Call me back."

I put the phone down and stared at the fridge, a little square paper stuck to the fridge with one of Mable's alphabet magnets.

Took Mable out for lunch, will be back soon. Don't worry, I'll bring back something for you. Ryan.
Ps. Look in the first drawer!

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