20| The Night You Left: Part 2

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Trigger Warning: Distressing themes mentioned below

"You've noticed how strange Keaton's been acting," Eliza said, wringing her hands in her lap. We were currently sitting in her car parked on her driveway. "He doesn't mean to do it on purpose."

"What's going on Liza?" I asked, slightly panicked by the ominous atmosphere, "Is Keaton okay?"

"He's... messed up." She answered, her cheeks flushed.

"What do you mean 'he's messed up' ?" I rolled my eyes fidgeting with the charm bracelet Keaton had given me for Christmas last year.

"He's been drinking a lot recently," She looked at me, hoping that I would understand without her having to explain further.

"Liza, we don't lie to each other remember?" I urged. Using our friendship as bait was wrong, I knew it was from the way her face twisted into a tormented expression. I remained solid, Keaton would understand her tattle tailing if he was in danger and doing it was the only way to save his life. I hoped it didn't have to come to that.

Liza sighed, "He's over at Billy's house."

I paled. This wasn't good. Billy Crew was a menace, nobody has ever hung out with Billy and not been arrested or winding up in his gang.

The well known, forever present biker gang, The Fathers, wasn't something you'd want to be caught up in. Just two years previous, the leader, called Grandpa to those who joined the club, and Billy's old man, was released from prison after being locked up for four years on drug charges. The irony was of the title was that Billy was as single as they came and no matter how many girls he messed around with, his father was not a Grandfather.

"Keaton wouldn't mess with them." I answered adamantly, "He knows they're no good-"

"Keaton's mom died today three years ago," Eliza cut in, "He hasn't gotten over it." I paused for a moment, too stunned to say anything. How had I not known about the passing of my boyfriend's mother?

"He didn't tell you did he?" She asked, slamming back against her chair. This was probably another secret he had asked her to keep from me.

"How'd she pass?" I asked, my voice tight.

"Gang debt," Eliza shuddered, putting her hands in between her thighs for warmth, "She was with Dave and they came up and shot her because he wasn't paying up like he promised. It was supposed to be a warning shot but someone got too carried away." She whispered, trying to sort through the traumatic memories in her mind.

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