8| The Date

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The truck stops in front of the boardwalk parking lot

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The truck stops in front of the boardwalk parking lot. Keaton climbs out of the cab and circles around the back of the truck to open my door. I take his hand and jump out.

"It looks beautiful at this time of night." I gush, taking in all the lights that had been turned on. Don't get me wrong, I had been to the harbour, but everything felt so new as I stood beside Keaton.

"Come on," He says, taking hold of my hand and leading me towards the diner up ahead. "You look beautiful." He compliments me shyly once we are seated at our table by the water view. I duck my head and smile down at my feet.

"You look handsome yourself," I reply, my cheeks flushing a new shade of red. Keaton pulled out the tall barstool chair and motioned for me to sit down. When I was comfortable he carefully pushed the chair forward.

Everything about the man that stood before me was perfect. His curly more brown than blonde, dirty blonde hair shaking every so often from the wind that brushed past our seat. I glanced at him for a moment and watched as he read out the options from the menu, completely forgetting I was supposed to pick something by the time he was done.

"I'll have a cheeseburger and fries," I said to the waitress who came by some time later.

"Same goes for me," He said, collapsing his menu and piling it on top of mine. The waitress nodded and it was only then that I realized that we went to school with her.

"Mack?" I asked, tilting my head to get a better view of her.

"I was wondering how long it was going to take you to remember me." She laughed, tucking the notepad into the pocket of her apron. I smiled at her and twisted around the bracelet I wore on my wrist. "Anyways, I'll go put your order in." I nodded and she made her way through the busy diner.

"Friend from school?" He asked when I turned to face him.

"Yeah, she moved away remember?" I explained, "The summer before eleventh grade?"

Keaton shook his head and pursed his lips, "Nope." I sat back in my chair. He had to have remembered, the whole school made the biggest deal about their favourite cheer captain leaving and an even bigger deal when she broke up with her boyfriend. "I don't pay attention to a lot of that stuff." He said, avoiding eye contact, "I don't feel like it's really going to matter who was with who or who dumped who in the grand scheme of things."

"I guess you're right," I said. Keaton tilted his head as he looked at me, struggling to find the words to alleviate the awkwardness that had followed his statement. "So what's your thing?" I asked once he failed to find anything to say. I really wanted our first date to go well but the honest truth was that I would go on a second one no matter how bad the first one was.

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