16| Beach Party

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"So this party we're going to, are you sure I was invited?" I ask

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"So this party we're going to, are you sure I was invited?" I ask.

"For the fifth time," Liza starts, her back against my iron headboard, "I invited you!" She exasperatedly buries her face into one of the silk pillows on her left and lets out a deep sigh.

"What do I wear to one of these?" I ask, fingering through the abundance of clothes in my closet. I had been looking in there for almost an hour and each moment felt like a waste, "I shouldn't go." I cry out.

Liza stands up from her spot, "Move aside." She waves her hand to shoo me away. I take a step back and plop down onto the vanity chair and watch as she rummages around. "Here, try these on." She tosses the clothes at my head.

I fumble and manage to catch the light wash denim jeans before it hits the floor and then bend down to pick up the black tube top that hadn't made it into my arms. "I'm not wearing this," I objected.

"Why the hell not?" Eliza asked, "you'd look great in it." I rolled my eyes and held the outfit up over myself. "Trust me."

I would trust Eliza with my life if a situation like that arose. She had never once let me down and from the beginning we had sworn never to lie to one another. So when Eliza said trust me, there was never any not believing. "Fine," I answer.


The party wasn't like any elementary school party I had been to before. There was a mass of people crowded on the shore of Sandy Cliffs with a few brave people splashing around in the cold water. The sun had started to set on our way over to the beach so to combat the lack of natural light someone had scattered around tiki torches.

"Do you see Greg?" Eliza asked, her face twisted up into a frown, "He promised he'd be here, you don't think he'd ditch me do you?" She asked, worry more and more evident in her voice.

Greg Miller was the local "bad boy" Eliza had been messing with for the past two months. He had finally asked her out a few days ago but Eliza wasn't sure he'd stick.

"No, do you see Keaton?" I ask, less worried than she was. I knew Keaton would be here.

"Oh there they are." Liza points down into the distance and pulls me along through the crowd of people.

"You came!" Liza says, stretching to hug Greg. He gives her his signature grin and hugs her back.

"You thought I wouldn't?" He asks. His accent was a dead giveaway he wasn't from around here, it lacked the kill you softly softness the Coaster one had.

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