[COMPLETED] There are two things you can count on in a small town, bad weather and boys who can make your heart thump faster than a horse's hooves
Beatrice was used to her relatively quiet life, but th...
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The rain outside was furious and strong enough that I feared the bucket pouring pressure would split the asphalt beneath me. I run quickly across the wet, muddy street towards the shop doors just as another person was about to enter. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there," I gush wiping my eyes and shaking out my hair.
"It's not a problem, don't worry about it," A deeper voice answers. He looks nervously around the store and I follow his gaze, most of the adults in the store were looking at him, most with a hint of resentment. I turn back at him and notice the deep frown on his face. His fists began clenching and unclenching as if holding himself back from fighting the adults in our presence.
"My name's Bea," I smile and stretch out my hand, he looks down at it as if deciding whether or not to risk it.
"Yeah I know who you are, everyone here knows who you are." He mutters before finally reaching out to shake my hand nonetheless, "My name's Keaton," He answers. His voice was enough to make my heart beat faster in my chest. We stand there looking around awkwardly trying not to make eye contact with each other.
"Well, I should probably get the stuff my mom asked me to get," I tilt my head towards the aisle, secretly hoping he would follow me.
"Yeah, yeah, I'll leave you to it," He puts a hand in his back pocket and gestures to where I had pointed, I slowly walk away from him making a point to not look back. There was nothing worse than letting him think I was desperate.
When I reach the checkout line he's at the door scratching the back of his head. I pretend to be distracted and dig through my wallet for the change I owed the cashier. I glance up at him, disappointed that he hadn't made a move. Frustratedly I pick up the paper grocery bags and make my way towards the door.
"The rain stopped, do you think I could walk you back home?" He asks, nervously glancing around the store.
I smile up at him, "I wouldn't mind that at all." He takes one of the bags from my hand and pushes the door open with his shoulder. I couldn't wait to get home and tell mom about the mysterious, and handsome looking stranger who helped me carry my stuff back home.
The whole walk home he talks to me about gas prices and the economy and how that could possibly impact local agriculture. He was smart, not the kind of smart that would make you want to die after five minutes. But the kind of smart that makes you want to learn about what he's talking about so that you could share his excitement. It was pleasant, finally talking to a guy who had a brain. Most boys here only talked about their truck and their parent's money, a little too shallow for my taste.
When we get to the door he hands me back my grocery bags and says goodbye but remains planted by my porch railing. I wait, enduring the weight of the heavy shopping bags in the hopes that he'd ask me for my number.
"What's the definition of a good farmer?" He asks after a long time had passed laughing a little as he does so.
I pause, trying to think of a possible answer- I have none. "I don't know, what is it?" I grin, tilting my head and batting my lashes. I was trying..hard- but I didn't care.
"A man outstanding in his field," he smiled, fiddling with the ends of his flannel shirt. I groan at the joke and give a small pity laugh.
"That's terrible!" I shout, causing him to laugh along with me.
"No, it's outstanding!" He counters, kicking the dirt pathways at the base of my stairs.
"Is that right?" I question flirtatiously, using the little bit of southern charm I had learned from a few of the girls at school. I couldn't help but feel like I wasn't his type, that maybe that was why he was taking this long to ask me out.
"Right as rain," He says with a nod and one of those heart melting country-boy smiles. I couldn't help but blush. We stand around awkwardly, for second time that day. He stands, kicking his shoes in the dirt and me watching him, still waiting for the moment he lets me know he's interested.
"Well, I guess I'll see you around?" I ask, my voice going up an octave or two, worried that he would take that as an excuse for him to leave or worse, think that I didn't like him.
"See you around," He says, still rubbing the back of his neck with one hand and the other a fist in his pocket. He swishes his cheeks side to side as if he's swishing mouthwash around in his mouth and squints an eye. I smile and push my front door open. I hurriedly drop the bags on the stairs and race back to the door, peeking out through the side glass window. I'd never gone this far for anyone and it made me feel desperate.
"Just ask her out Keaton!" He shouts, his hands flailing into the air and then aggressively he runs his hands through his hair. His voice was muffled but he was close enough for me to make out a few of the words. He walks up to the door but as soon as he reaches the first step he stops. "No, that's weird isn't it?" He turns around and continues giving himself a pep talk.
I open the door and he swivels around. "Hey," He says, trying to act smooth by leaning against the stair's rail. I chuckle, not wanting to embarrass him further by mocking what he had said.
"Goodness gracious, aren't you going to ask me out already?" I question instead, one hand on my hip and another on the doorknob. His jaw drops to the gravel road and he quickly closes it and clears his throat. Trying to find the courage to ask.
"Would you maybe..like to go out with me sometime?" He asks, both hands now in his jeans pocket, shoulders almost crushing his red ears.
"I thought you'd never ask." I grin allowing him to let out a shaky, nervous breath and then soon he begins to grin along with me.
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Edit Summary
May 19, 2020 - Fixed a few things that bothered me aesthetic wise, no major editing.
June 8, 2020 - Added the banners made for me by Belle