11| Choices: Part 2

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"You can't make me choose, Ryan

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"You can't make me choose, Ryan." I say into the palms of my hands. The heat in the room is suddenly too overwhelming, I fan myself with the neck of the black band t-shirts I was currently wearing, admittedly the wrong colour for the kind of weather Coaster received.

"You only wear that for me." He says, pointing down at my left hand, the obnoxious rock of the engagement ring glittering away in the light of the room. I stay quiet, not wanting to lie to him any longer. "I didn't want to tell you I was coming, do you know why?" He asked, a small, sad smile on his presently red face, I hoped it was because of the temperature and not because he was about to cry.

"To surprise me?" I mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

"To surprise you," he says, nodding his head in satisfaction and sarcastically releasing a big breath of air, "but instead, I'm the one who gets surprised." He pauses and raises his brows for dramatic effect. His hand swipes his face as if he's rubbing lotion, a clean swipe. "At first I thought the ring was just not your style. Or you wanted to surprise people." I look away from him, my jaw seemingly permanently clenched shut.

"What do you want me to say?" I ask, forcing the word out one by one. I already knew what he wanted, me. Not to sound arrogant or self import but I knew all he wanted was to take me back home and get married.

"You know what I want, but I won't force you." He says, a hand on his waist, hip jutted out slightly in a pose I didn't think his body could allow.

"I don't.." I trail off. The whole thing seemed unfair to him. I didn't want to lose his friendship, his support. But I also knew that I could no longer lead him on. My soul could no longer live like that.

Mabel, I hadn't thought about her since she left the room. She deserved a Dad, someone who would always be there for her, fight for her, take her side against me. The things I had envisioned when I first saw the two lines on the pregnancy test. "Can..I know I don't deserve it but please give me some time."

Ryan lets out a big puff of air, his head drops to stare at the carpeted floor. "Whatever." He knew I had already made up my mind, but he was too much of a hoper to go without my final judgement. The blow that would finally let him know he wasted two years of his life on me, of all people he chose me.

 The blow that would finally let him know he wasted two years of his life on me, of all people he chose me

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Edit Summary

May 19, 2020 - Fixed a few things that bothered me aesthetic wise, no major edits took place.

June 8, 2020 - Added the banners made for me by Belle

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