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I slowly open my eyes and stare at an unknown ceiling. I try to lift myself up only to be stopped by a beautiful blonde lady.

"May, my little pearl, how are you feeling?" she said.

"Wilfred, call the doctor, quickly," she calls to the older looking gentleman in the corner of the room.

Her wavy blonde hair complemented her fair skin and those eyes, eyes that seemed to look like jewels. Dark blue outlined them which faded into a cool green towards the center. She looked to be middle aged, but that didn't make her beauty falter.

"May, can you hear me?" She asked again.

"Who..." I croaked as I opened my mouth but all of the sudden someone else's memories started to flood my brain. I grabbed my head to help with the rush and felt a thick bandage wrapped around it.

"Oh sweetheart, here is some water. You've been out for about a day."

She handed me a glass of water which I gladly took. I quickly downed the whole thing, realizing how thirsty I was.

I was in a room—May's room, somehow I ended up in her body.
"What happened?" I finally asked her.

"You were playing outside with Violet when you tripped and hurt your head on a sharp rock. If Violet didn't come and warn me, who knows what might have happened." She gave me a worried look, her face scrunched as she reminisced on the memory.

Violet? As in Violet from the Empyrean series, that is the only Violet I know of.

Just as I continued to think, another more elderly man walked in with what looked like a briefcase.
"Doctor, you're here" She exclaimed. "She woke just a few minutes ago, please take a look at her."

"Of course, Mrs. Melgren." He states as he approaches me.
Mrs. Melgren? As in General Melgren?

The doctor begins to examine me. Checking my head and asking me questions about the pain. As well as what I can remember.

"It looks like she's doing well, her head just needs some time to heal. I would advise no strenuous activities because that can affect how well it may heal." He says as he turns to Mrs. Melgren.

"That's wonderful to hear. Wilfred please escort the doctor and tell the cook to make a warm soup for May" She faces from Wilfred, probably the butler, to me. Wilfred and the doctor leave the room.

"Sweetheart, do you want anything else?"
I shake my head.

"Okay, then I'll leave you for a bit and come back with some food" She turns and exits through the door, closing it behind her.
The moment she closed the door, I lifted myself from the bed and walked to the full length mirror in the room. I stared at the reflection of the girl, she looked to be about ten years old.

She had very light brown hair that ombréd into platinum blonde, more silver than Mrs. Melgren's yellower blonde . Other than that, she is a replica. Her eyes, the same deep blue with a cool green center. She looks beautiful for a ten year old.

I looked away from the mirror and began looking around the room. If one were to come from the door, they would see a large bed against the right wall. To the left was a door that led into a bathroom and on the right side of the bathroom was another door that led to a closet.
The closet was filled mostly with what looked like fighting leathers with some occasional dresses. The wall parallel to the door to the outside had a large window with a small ledge where one could sit down.

That was exactly what I did, I sat down and looked out the window. I was on the second story, looking down an oak forest can be seen and further in the background, a large mountain range. It was a beautiful sight.

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