3) ja'na

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"I thought I told you to stay away from them"

"I tried but I meet this girl and I didnt know"

"It doesnt mean you have to hang out with them"

"I know that and I haven't all week I even been avoiding going out every time kenzie bring it up"

"You need to worry about finding an apartment! Getting a job and chasing the bag!"

"I know that but college is a lot of work"

"Who you telling I only been here for four days and I'm ready to fight a bitch and drop out"

"Dont you dare"


"Anyway I got to go! Im at school now"

"Remember what I s-"

I hung up because she's irritating me just a little.

I only have two classes today back to back so it'll be easier. Then I come to job hunting. That's a way to spend your Friday


I turned to see kenzie hand in hand with Christan with polo and marie right behind them.


"What are you doing today? Are you busy?"

"Umm. Yea im kinda busy"

"When arent you? You've been busy all this week!"

"Like I told you, I just got back and I have alot of work to do"

"How about a break! Polo is having a pa-"

"I dont go to parties anymore"


"Yea, I'm going go be late to class...how about another rain check"



I didnt lie. I stopped going to parties three year ago! I didnt see the need too.

Making my way to my first class I sat in the middle because I was late!

"I haven't heard from you since you broke it off wit me"

"What do you want shawn"

"Was it worth it? You fucked me up I should hate you..."

"I agree"

"But I cant for some reason...what was your plan  just come back and pretend like your trying to be a change person and all?

"It's been three years shawn! Let it go"

"I really liked you and you just broke my heart...how am I supposed to forget! You should have stay away so everyone you hurt could finish healing!"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Let us finish healing before you come to cause more shit"

"Us? Who's us?"

"You dont even know the names of the people you hurt"

"Why am I listening to you!"

"Because you do have a heart right? I would hope you feel guilty"


"Not even five seconds after you broken up with me you were fucking someone else. I really though you we're different"

"Well thats your fault! You shouldn't judge a book by its cover! Like I said its been three years let it go...if not i could Care less just leave me alone"

"Why did you do it?"

"Like you said y'all need to heal but I need to heal also! There not the only ones hurting and they can act like victims all they want but one by one i can name shit they did that hurt me! And me wanting to get away from all that hurt them? I could care less I'm sorry for what I did to you I can't change it"

"Why did you come back?"

"Not that its any of your business, but my mother is pregnant and I'm here for her"


"Save it shawn, if it helps...I'm sorry again okay"

"California just brings the worst out of you...dont let it bring you down again"


"Alright class lets get to work!"

"You should come sit with me for lunch! It'll be fun"

"I dont think thats a good idea kenzie"

"I'm not taking no for an answer!"

"I'm really busy!"

"It won't be long"

"I can't"

"Why not? Is it Christan? Does he scare you?"

I had to think of something to say she just wouldn't leave me alone. I couldnt flat out and tell her what the problem was, I mean I could but I just dont know

"Yes, OK fine  he does scare me but don't tell him I said that"

"Dont worry i wont tell him, but he's a cool guy I swear he wont hurt you"

He already did.

"Yeah but I still cant go I really do have something to do"

"Fine to make it up, come to polos party! And I'm not taking no for a answer its final you're coming"



"Yeah one party wouldnt hurt"

"Now were getting somewhere! What's your number I'll send you the address"

We exchanged numbers

"I'm going to be late to class but see you tonight ja'na"

" yah"

I walked into my last class of the day I sat in a random seat and class began. Ten minutes into the lesson the door opened. I didnt pay it any attention until someone sat next to me.

"Can you move your bag so he could sit on the other side"

"Can you three sit somewhere else?"


I moved my bag with a attitude! It dont take a genius to see I dont want anything to do with them. When i sent them in the hall i go a whole other direction unless there with kenzie, if it looks like they tryna come up to me I'm packing my shit and leaving

"Avoidance isn't a good thing to do" 

I ignored her

"You hear me?"

"Marie just leave her alone, you see she dont want to be bothered by us"

"What we do though? She acting like we lefted for three years!"

I grabbed my bag and moved down stepping over Christan. I'm not doing this today

When class was over I walked right past them. I get I did shit I the past but I'm not the only one! There not innocent!

Kenzie: i hope your still going to the party! Its a black and white party BTW

Me: good to know, I'll be there💙

Kenzie: good

Can I Be Her? Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now