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"OH FUCK!" Andy moaned loudly as his back arched and his eyes rolled back because of the rising pleasure in him.

It seems like he is having sex but it wasnt, well to him it was equal to sex. His vampire boyfriend is sucking his blood from his wrist, the pressure of the sucks in Rye's lips made Andy to get more harder in him.

Rye is holding Andy's beautiful hand and he dont know how explain about this beautiful taste swiping his tongue, he felt sweetness with sourness too. He had drank human's blood before but nothing was like Andy's, his blood is so precious.

Andy is laying on the bed on his back, his head is rolled back and other hand is clutched to the sheets, his toes are curled because of the pleasure building up in him.

It was night and the full moon outside his house was showing his lover's beautiful face and his glowing red eyes. The moonlight was so bright today and these lovers were in a big fuss.

Its all happened just some hours ago when..........

Rye and Andy was sitting on the couch watching something stupid on the TV. Andy's sickness was gone and he had goe sto the Cafe too. Rye is staying with him from that and Andy was so greatful.

"Oh shit, I forgot something" Rye said suddenly startling a little.

"What happened?" Andy asked

"Today is full moon" Rye said

"So?" Andy asked

"I- I actually need to get feed, you know...we vampired need to get feed...especially on fulloon days" Rye said little nervously as he was scared of Andy's response.

"Like........blood?" Andy asked

Rye nodded his head and looked at Andy.

"How do you get? Animals? Like in the movies?" Andy asked

"Yeah, yes some wild animals so nobody can get doubts" Rye said

Andy nodded and both of them fell in silent.

"You ever drank human's blood?" Andy asked

"Yes, human's blood are the tastiest one" Rye said smiling making Andy to chuckle. "So yeah, Iam going. Mikey d Sonny will also joins me"

Rye started to get up and walked to the door. Rye was hurrying outside because he has been reading Andy's mind for minutes and all Andy think was to have his blood.

Andy was thinking "you can have my blood"

And Rye doesnt want to hurt Andy, he never ever thought to give a single scratch to Andy's body.......instead of his love marks.

Rye, Mikey and Sonny had got an big buffalo on the woods. Seems like it is abandoned so yeah they attacked it. The animals blood tastes so much sour and bitter but when they are in need it tastes like heaven.

After so many hours Rye came back to Andy's home, its like 1am in the morning. The lights in the house is down and Rye founds Andy in his room laying on the bed.

Rye layed beside him and pulled him closer, wrapping his arms around he kissed his forehead. Andy stirred and woked up when he felt the kiss from his man.

"You back?" Andy asked in his sleepy voice

"Yeah, sleep baby" Rye said murmuring.

Andy didnt sleep, he snuggled to Rye and kissed his jaw.

"Iam not sleeping, I wanna see what you are doing all these nights everyday laying beside me" Andy said now fully awakened.

Rye chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"I just lay here and admire you" Rye said softly making Andy to smile.

Rye leaned aiming those pink lips, their lips was soon met and their kiss was an passionate one. They really meant to be an lovely sweet passionate kiss but it went further when Rye pushed his tongue through Andy's parted lips.

Rye climbed on top of Andy pinning his hands beside both sides of his head. The kiss went deeper and messy, their tongues slided eachother and they enjoyed it. Rolling his hips to the human underneath him, he gets the most beautiful moans from him.

"Rye?" Andy called as his head hooded with lust

"Hmmm" Rye hummed as he kissed down at the pale neck

"I want you to taste my blood" Andy said whispering

Rye quickly pulled his head away from the neck and looked at Andy seriously.

"No, I dont wnat to hurt you" Rye said sadly cupping Andy's cheek

"You wont hurt me" Andy states

"But it hurts Andy" Rye said

Andy shaked his head and keep requested to take his blood. Rye kept denied it but atlast Andy won.

"Okay, but only a little" Rye said taking Andy's right hand

"Okay" Andy said

"Tell me if it hurts okay?" Rye said placing the pale wrist on his lips.

Andy nodded and carefully watched the canines rising from Rye's gums. The canines were so sharp and shiny, Andy saw the canines as beautiful. He finds everything beautiful in Rye, Rye is flawless to him.

The bite, Rye was right it does hurt but Andy didnt screamed...........but moaned liudly when Rye started to sucks his blood from his veins. Andy bited his bottom lip to supress his moans but he couldnt. A big tent was suddenly formed on his boxers making him more enjoyable.

He felt like every single blood in his body has been drawing from his single parts to his right wrist. His eyes rolled back and his back arched.

"OH MY GOD" Andy gronaed loudly, the raising pleasure was something speechless "Rye please dont stop" He whimpered

Rye was surprised to see Andy like that but he was smirking on the wrist, he menat to take some blood but the taste of the liquid made him to have more and Andy's moans encouraged him.

Rye can feel Andy is horny and having an feeling of sex but Rye is confused that Why Andy feels like this. Usually humans cry aloud and passed out.

Taking his canines from the flesh he licked the wound he made, the dripping blood was soon coated with the same pale skin. He licked over the skin better and it will heals without any marks after some more licks.

Andy was full of bliss, he is having an feeling of heaven. Like he just went through on an orgasm and reached on his high..........actually he did.

"Babe sleep after changing your clothes" Rye whispered to the sweating and panting boy.

For a moment Andy got confused, he looked at Rye with confused face and Rye pointed downwards to him. There is an big wet patch on his boxers, he just reached on his high untouched....just because of an vampire bite?

Andy's face flushed with embarassment and he covere dhis face with his hands. He heard Rye chickling and  kiss on his hand.

"Its alright, dont be shy" Rye said

Andy cant believe he just came infront of his boyfriend because he drank his blood.

Iam taking the story to another level from next chapter, little disturbing and violence gonna happen I think.

So I hope you guys love this chapter if you do then give me a vote and some cheeky comments😁😁😁

Thankyou and Love you

-Sherin Shahab❤❤❤

A VAMPIRE LOVE STORY// RANDY (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now