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Areum hated the school hallways. The smell of teenage B.O lingered everywhere. Sweaty bodies running through the corridors as people were late to class.

The smell made her sick.

She wasn't in the mood to deal with school today, but let's be real, when was she ever.

Walking slowly, taking her time to get to class, she watched as  the snow fell outside the school windows.

Breathing out she brought her arms around herself to gather warmth as she shivered from the winter breeze coming in from an open window.

Not watching where she was going, she tripped over her own feet, landing roughly on the floor below her.

Mentally cursing herself, she tucks a piece of hair behind her ear as she starts picking up her books.  Stopping when she sees another pair of hands helping her out.

Following the arms up to the face she notices it was Jisung.

"You really need to leave me alone" she said as she takes the books out of his hands and stands up.

"A simple thanks would be sufficient you know"

Watching Jisung stand up, she flashes him a quick smile, her next words dripping with sarcasm "thanks."

Areum begins to walk off trying to get out of the conversation.

"Wait, let me walk you to class, I'm going that way anyway" Jisung said as he jogs up to Areum to become in step with her.

"So, how was your day?" He asks curious.


"That's good. Hey I have a question," Jisung said, stopping in his tracks which made Areum stop too.

"Did you maybe wanna grab some coffee after school? You don't have to pay" he said beaming.

"If I say yes will you stop annoying me?"

"Ummm, yes?"

"Then fine" Areum said as she turns her back to him.

"I'll be waiting at the front gates after school" She said as she walks into her class room.

Jisung was left in the hallway smiling at the progress him and Areum have made.

Affliction ❄️ JisungWhere stories live. Discover now