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"Im sorry" Jisung said embarrassed as he was still crouched on the floor, hugging his legs as they were pulled to his chest, head leaning on his knees.

"You scared me there Jisung, are you okay?" Chenle asked as he placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

Jisung lifted his head with red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks.

He's had a few panic attacks before, but they weren't that common or as serious as the one he just had.

Chenle has crouched next to Jisung with Jaemin on the other side. Jeno, Haechan and Renjun sat on the couch so they weren't crowding the boy.

"Do you want to talk about it" Areum heard Jaemin speak, as her back was against the wall besides the now open doors.

She felt bad. She hates Christmas yes, and she was angry that he had done something so repulsive as to decorate her lounge room.

But her mind couldn't get rid of his face.

His mouth open in shock, eyes wide as tears formed in the corners. He was scared, and for the first time in Areums life, she had sympathised with someone.

Her heart ached hearing him talk to the older boys, sad that she made him feel like this.

He was innocent in every way possible, and she wanted to protect that for him, without him knowing of course.

She could hear him explain that his parents would always yell and scream at him. His uncle would throw various objects around his room hoping one would hit the boy.

He explained that his aunt would threaten him by stealing any bit of freedom he had in his life, being confined to him room, school and the cafe he worked at.

Seeing Areum do the same made him freak out. Not knowing how to react thinking he'd be hit again- panic washed over him.

"I-I just wanted to do something nice." Jisung croaked out.

"And what you did was lovely. Areum's just not the type of person to tell when people try to do something nice" Jeno explained from the couch, making Jisung sigh.

"Would you mind telling us why you did all of this?" Renjun asked.

"I've always loved Christmas. The pretty lights, shiny tinsel and baubles. We would never celebrate it in my house, but seeing how happy it brought other family's gave me hope.

I wanted to spread joy with everyone like the way other families do.

Entering this house, I have only here for two days, but in those short two days I have felt more love and happiness between you all than I have felt in my entire life." The boys all listened carefully, laughing slightly at the next words the young boy said.

"Despite you guys being in a gang and killing people"

A small smile was brought to Jisungs face as he looked around the room.

"I know we've all pretty much just met, but I wanted to spread my happiness and joy with you guys, and this was the best way I knew."

All the boys looked at Jisung, they could see the love seeping through the pain that had previously coated his innocent eyes.

"Group hug guys, common." Chenle said excitedly while he pulled Jisung up by the arms.

The 5 boys wrapped their arms around Jisung as he was stuck in the middle.

"We are glad you are here Jisung." Haechan said rubbing the boys hair as they seperate from the hug.

"Thank you Haechan" Jisung said shyly.

"Thank you everyone" he said looking at all of them one by one, "I mean it."

Affliction ❄️ JisungWhere stories live. Discover now