❄️ 33

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Soft cries were heard all around the room as Toy Story 3 played on the screen in front of them.

It was the scene where Andy was saying goodbye to the toys and everyone but Jeno was crying.

"How are you not crying you unsentimental bitch" Renjun said as a tear fell down his face.

"I'm sad, but this isn't that sad." Jeno said before a loud cry filled the room.

Areum had her head up, mouth open as hot tears made her blanket underneath her wet.

"B-but A-Andy is leaving." She said through sobs. Shoulders shaking as her emotions got the best of her.

Jisung watched from next to her, eyes wide as he didn't know what to do.

A gentle push from Jaemin made Jisung look at him. The older boy mouthing to hug her as he gently pushed him again.

Turning to face Areum he held out his arms, not expecting her to attach herself to him automatically.

Head against his chest as her hands gripped at the fabric on his back.

"There there" he said, slowly rubbing her back.
"It's just a movie."

Jisung could feel his shirt become wet from her tears, making his heart ache at the state she was in.

"It'll be okay." He said leaning his head on top of hers and sighing.

"I'm right here, let it all out." He lifted his head to see the other boys leaving- Chenle giving an excited thumbs up before Haechan dragged him out the door.

Placing his head back on hers, he felt her sobs soften.

"P-please don't leave me." She said muffled into his chest.

"Never ba- Never Areum" He said, cursing at himself at his slight slip up.

He looked down, thankful she didn't hear what he almost said. But she did, and her stomach fluttered at the almost pet name.

"Uh Jisung." She said as she started getting cramps.

"Ouch" She said sitting up suddenly, face contorted in pain.

Jisungs eyes widened a fraction as he watched her.
"Areum what's wrong."

When she didn't respond, only wrap her arms around her body and hunch over, Jisung became really worried.

"Areum baby, what's wrong? Did I hurt you? Are you in pain?" He asked frantically, not even caring about what he called her.

She nodded her head slightly, before taking a deep breath in. Her breathing help calm down her cramps enough for her to sit up more and speak.

"Shit that hurt, and don't worry, it was just a cramp." She said, massaging her lower stomach a little.

"What the fuck do you mean not to worry? You were in pain!" He exclaimed.

"Dude calm down, don't forget I do this every month." She said, reaching over to grab a peanut m&m and placing it in her mouth.

Jisung sat there shocked, mind going over what had just happened. "I-is there anything you want me to do?" He asked not knowing how else to help.

"Mmm if you could go down to the shop and get me some pads and Panadol that's be great" she said smiling.

"O-oh yeah, sure." He said still in shock.

"Well, what are you waiting for, these cramps don't magically just go away. Go get me those sweet drugs!" She said pushing him off the couch.

"Fine fine, I'm going" he said as he walked out of the lounge room and out the front door.

Affliction ❄️ JisungWhere stories live. Discover now