❄️ 43

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Jisung and Areum were laid over Areums bed as they flicked through the channels on the TV, such a boring Saturday night.

Jisung looked over to Areum, glasses on the tip of her nose, hair in a messy bun, and shorts and a top doing nothing to keep her warm.

Without saying a word, Jisung got up and ran down the stairs to his room.

"What are you doing?" Areum asked as he walked back in, watching as he held up a large red jumper.

"You looked cold." He said walking towards her and handing it to her.

As she slipped it on over her head she stood up. It fell below her knees and her hands couldn't be seen.

Jisung watched her as she struggled to pull her sleeves up so she can use her hands. "Cute" he mumbled before helping her out.

Resuming their position on the bed, Areum grabbed another slice of pizza, shoving it into her mouth unashamed. "You really like your pizza." Jisung laughed slightly watching the girl eat her favourite food.

She nodded enthusiastically as she swallowed what was in her mouth. "You know what's crazy."


"I used to hate and despise you. I used to snap at you and yell." She said moving her body so it was facing his.

"I realise now that was wrong to do to you. I had just had such a wall built around me, that the only people I trusted was the idiots that lived in this house." She said, hands unintentionally landing on-top of Jisungs.

"A-and now, I think I am ready to tell you my past." She said looking up to him with wide eyes, nerves running through her body.

"Areum you do have to" Jisung said reassuring as he sat up, grabbing hold of her hands lightly. "You don't have to tell me today."

"But I want to. I'm ready. Just promise me one thing, don't think of me any differently." She said as she felt complete and utter trust towards the boy, but she was nervous.

"Come here." He said opening his arms, only for her to hesitantly placing her head on his chest, arm laid on his stomach as he soothingly played with her hair.

"You have become better at this." She laughed out, referring to them cuddling. "We both have petal."

Areums eyes widen at his nickname. "Don't you like it?" Jisung asked nervous.

"N-no, I love it." Areum said, smiling and whispering her next words, "petal."

"Okay, so." She started, breath becoming uneven as she tried to calm herself down.

"There was never a time where I wasn't in the gang, I was basically born into it.

My parents weren't gang leaders, but they had important jobs, well at least I was told they had important jobs.

They were killed in action when I turned 1. Not belonging to anyone now except a gang.

I grew up learning how to throw knives, shoot guns, and box, and this was all when I was five.

They finally sent me to school, where I learnt what normal kids did, and instead of playing with barbie dolls with all the other girls, I was beating up boys and girls alike, because that's what I was taught.

Then I met someone." Areum stopped as she recalled her memories, tears gathering in her eyes.

"Petal you don't have to continue if you don't want to." He said, hand now rubbing her back calmingly.

"No no, I-it's fine." She sniffled, getting herself together.

"I met someone, her name was ally, she was American, she had transferred over because her dad got business.

And ally and I hit it off, she didn't care that I punched people, because she also punched people.

She taught me about the holidays people celebrated, like Easter and Christmas, and it made me hopeful.

And so one day I decided to bring her home from school, I was still a child so I was naive.

And the gang didn't like her, they knew who she was before I even introduced her, because her father was in another gang, the enemy gang.

I watched my first and last friend die that day. They killed a five year old without any emotion. She w-was innocent, and I didn't stop them." Areum sobbed out, gripping hold of Jisungs jumper in her fists as she buried her head into his arms.

Attempting to muffle her cries, but Jisung could hear them. "Shh, it's okay, I'm here petal, I'm here."

Areum looked up, eyes red and puffy, tears streamed down her cheeks, even when crying Jisung thought she looked cute.

"I love you." Jisung said without realising, Areums eyes widened in shock.

"You don't have to say it back don't worry."

Areum leant up and kissed him, only to snuggle back against his chest.

"Okay, I'm ready to continue. So after Ally died, I basically became a monster, I was 10 and doing missions where I was killing middle aged men.

Because no one expects a kid. I was their secret weapon, not a normal child, but I wanted to be one.

So one day, I decided to try and celebrate Christmas, like how Ally told me.

But instead of happy smiles and laughs, I was beaten up and locked in a pitch black room for three days.

My mind ate me alive in those three days, getting minimal food and water.

But once I was allowed to leave, I became exactly what they wanted me to be, emotionless.

When I turned 14, I met Jeno and Haechan on a mission, and something in me clicked. I wanted my own gang.

So I gathered a group of people up, it started out as only Jeno, Haechan, Mark, Kun and Taeyong- but we grew.

I left the gang house one night and called the police on them, making the mansion now vacant and empty, so we took it.

And the rest is basically history, we are now one of the best gangs in all of Korea."

Jisung looked down at her, her eyes meeting his. "Please don't judge me."

"Why would I judge you? You were forced to do those things, it was unfair. But don't worry, I'll still stick by you no matter what." Jisung admitted, bring her in closer to him, body heat encasing the two as they laid there.

Heart beats in sync as they shared this moment together.

"I love you, Park Jisung." She admitted, cheeks pink, before closing her eyes and falling asleep.


So, I'm gonna start the "plot twist" soon.

It's like 43 chapters in and I'm only now getting to the main point lmaoo.

Anyway, I just wanted to say if it feels like the relationship is going quick, it's coz these are spread out.

Did you all want more lovey dovey times between Jium before the so called "twist?"

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