❄️ 39

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"Oh hey Yangyang, what's up?" Jisung said, sitting down next to the boy.

"Oh nothing much, it's just." He sighed as he placed his head on top of his folded arms.
"Do you like me? Am I annoying?"

His words coming as a shock too Jisung- shaking his head in response. "No of course you aren't annoying, and of course I like you as a friend."

Yangyangs eyes shimmered as he sat up, "really?" He said in disbelief.

"Yeah of course, why wouldn't I like you." Jisung said still a little confused at to why the kind boy would doubt his friendship.

"Thanks Jisung, I'll always be here for you, you can't talk to me about anything, don't worry." Was the last thing the two said become the teacher came, indicating the start of class.


"You are getting really good Jisung." Areum said impressed, watching the boy put all his force into the punching bag.

Hugging the bag to stop it as he finished his rep. 
"Wanna try versing me?" She said playfully as she grabbed some tape, starting to tape her knuckles- putting on her own blue boxing gloves.

"You're on." Jisung said as they entered the ring. Punching his fists together as they both laughed at their actions.

Soft punches were thrown at each other. Well Jisung thew soft punches, Areum tried hitting hard.

Jisung only laughed as she started getting frustrated, not being able to hit the boy.

"I think I'm better at you at this point." His words sent a wave through Areum, her competitive side coming out.

She lunged at the boy, tripping him as he fell flat on his back.

Her legs on either side of him as she straddled him.

"Haha i won." She said boasting, "you can't beat me, I'm superior."

A squeak left her mouth as Jisung flipped her over- hovering over her smaller frame.

Tension grew in the air as they gazed at each other. Areum observing every detail on Jisungs face- eyes flicking from his deep brown orbs to his lips.

Her emotions getting the best of her as her heart made the next moves for her.

She removed her gloves and reached up to Jisungs neck.

Pulling him down to her as she connected her lips to his.

Is was soft, innocent, yet full of emotion.- pulling away realising what she did. "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." She admits shyly.

"I didn't say to stop." Jisungs words made her look back up at his, a light blush falling over her soft cheeks at his confidence.

Jisung leaned down and reattached their lips, this time more passionately.

Their lips moving in sync with each other as they poured out their emotions.

The opening of the door made them pull away, "Areum, Taeyong needs you- oh." Chenle said as his eyes grow wide at the position the two were in.

Not saying another word as he backs out of the door and shutting it.

Areum throws her head back, "Why does this always happen?" She asked to no one in particular.

Jisung laughs slightly before leaning down and giving her lips a small peck. "Who knows babe."

His words made Areum look up to him, eyes wide at what he just called her.

"Here, take my hand" he said standing up, Areum placing her hand in his as he pulled her up.

Areum remained  in the ring as Jisung took of his tape, looking back at her before exiting the gym.

A large smile growing on her face as she reaches up and touches her lips.

"H-he kissed me. Oh my God he kissed me!" She said at the euphoric sensation.

"Oh my God he kissed me." Her once happy tone turned into shocked as she began to stress.

"Oh no, what does this mean. Areum I told you not to fall for him, but why can't I stop myself." She groans out in frustration.

"Areum, Taeyong really needs you" Chenle said as he opened the door again.

Areum threw her boxing glove at his head, only for him to dodge it, laughing at her failed attempt and shutting the door behind him.

Sighing, she looks down. "He kissed me." She said genuinely happy as a soft smile reappeared on her face.

Affliction ❄️ JisungWhere stories live. Discover now