❄️ 21

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"Hey" a quiet voice was heard behind the group of boys making them all turn around.

Their sight landing on the girl.

"Hey?" Jisung said confused. The girl infront of them seemed different than her usual confident self.

Her head hung low, hair framing her face as she stood beside the door.

"Look" she said clearing her throat. She was nervous, she had never done this before.

"I'm sorry" she said at a pitch almost imperceptible.

The boys all looked at each other confused, "Areum we can't hear you." Haechan stated nonchalantly as they watched her try and choke out her words.

"I'm sorry!" She finally spate out taking a deep breath in and holding her chest. "That was so hard oh my God."

"Please don't apologies Areum," Jisung said calmly.

"But I have to. I hurt you."

"Areum, you legit kill people." Renjun laughed out earning a glare from her.

"Well, yes. But I hurt him emotionally, there's a difference." She explained.

"Right, okay" Renjun said back.

"Anyways. I am Jisung, sorry that is. I shouldn't of reacted like that. Christmas just triggers something in me." She said, cringing at the mention of her most hated holiday.

His eyes softened at the girls nervous appearance. Her rough outer shell cracking a bit letting fragments of her true colours shine through.

"It still doesn't stray from the fact that you ruined my living room, but I appreciate the thought behind it."

The words coming out of her mouth made the five boys shocked, mouths gaped open as they looked at the girl.

"So. Please, ah carry on with whatever you were going to surprise us with before I- um, yeah."

"Oh, um okay. Ah I guess please sit on the couch." He said sitting down on one of leather arm chairs.

Once they had all piled onto the couches, Jisung picked up the first present.

"I um brought you all gifts." He said shyly.

"Chenle, this ones yours." He held out the present in his hand, which Chenle accepted excitedly.

The rest watched as he ripped open the red and green wrapping paper.

Inside the box was toy microphone. His eyes lit up as he turned on the toy, making his voice echo the various sounds he made.

"Because you like to sing randomly I thought you'd like this" he said laughing slightly.

"Thanks Jisung." He replied by punching his shoulder in appreciation, Jisung flinching at the contact.

"Ah, this ones for Jaemin." He passed the neatly wrapped present to the boy, earning a big smile on his end.

Inside was a small yellow bear that instantly made Jaemins eyes widen as he held up the toy.

"Ryan!" He exclaimed, bringing to his chest- squeezing the doll while hugging it- as he wore a big smile on his face.

"How'd you know?"

"I walked passed your room, it basically screams Ryan." He chuckles out.

"Thank you thank you thank you." Was all he could say.

"Renjun." Jisung said handing him his present, "you have to be careful opening that one."

Renjun followed the boys warnings, pulling out a small plant and a drawing book.

"Because you said you liked drawing aliens."

Renjun nodded in appreciation as he thanked him.


Jeno opened his present carfully, thanking him at the gift he received. Haechan doing the same with the present he got as well.

"And last but not least, Areum." Jisung said pulling a secret present from behind the couch.

"Wait what? You got me something?" She replies in shock.

"Of course. Now open it." He held out the present which she carefully took.

Staring at the colourfully wrapped box in her hands, green ribbon wrapped around the outside. Little red bows and green Christmas trees covered the box.

Blinking a few times before gently pulling at the loose ribbon- all eyes on her.

Unwrapping the paper, she places it gently next to her, taking as long as she can to open it.

She peaks into the box and what lays in there made her heart skip a beat.

Pulling it out of the box and placing it next to her. She payed her present in her lap.

Her eyes gazed over the fluffy plushy in her hands.

"What is it Areum?" Jeno asked.

Her fingers grazed over the soft fabric, touching every part of the doll.

She had never received a present before, usually she receives death threats.

"A baby grinch" she mutters out.

She couldn't comprehend the emotions washing through her. Her heart ached a little, it made her uncomfortable.

Recalling the first time her and Jisung met, the words he had said to her, "waw, okay mr Grinch," "I hope you have a good Christmas."

Looking up at the boy who waited nervously for her reaction.

She loved the doll, her first ever present, but she couldn't tell him.

"Ah, it's cool. Thanks I guess." She said stoic.

"I'm glad you like it." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, this was nice. I'm gonnna go." Areum said suddenly, but calmly walking out of the room, holding the hand of the plushy in hers as it swung by her side.

When she made it to her office she slumped onto her chair, placing the doll on her desk, staring at it.

Her heart ached, and it made her frustrated. These unnamed, unfamiliar emotions that filled her made her angry.

Not at the fact she was mad, but because she was scared of liking this foreign feeling.

The longer she looked at the doll, the longer her heart ached.

Getting fed up with these feelings she was experiencing, she grabbed the doll and shoved it in drawers under her desk.

Sighing out in frustration as she ran her hands through her hair, elbows on the desk as fallen strands partially blocked her vision.

The sound of a knock pulled her out of her spiralling mind, making her snap her head up to look at the closed door.

"Come in."


Okay, well this chapter wasn't as good as I wanted it to 😔


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